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Forums - Sales Discussion - Other SALE UP! -- Playstation biting the dust!

Yes I know, but he is saying the XBOX 360 is the console of the year, when it has yet to pass the PS3 in YTD sales.

Im sure it will, but it will be close, and I just wanted to add the PS3 had a fantastic year in games(better than both wii and xbox 360), and now he is telling me games dont matter.


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-General_Ram- said:
leo-j said:
So games dont matter anymore, sales are the most important thing to a gamer, I am thrilled to hear that


 well 360 has about 200+ games more then PS3, more A, AA, and AAA games on any review site. So I dont see ur point trying to defend PS3 against 360.


 The 360 also came out  a year before the PS3.. and im saying the PS3 HAD A FANTASTIC YEAR FOR GAMERS, god I cant say anything positive about the ps3 without it being derailed to "SONY IS DOOMED, 360 FTW".



Offcourse games matter, but hardware sales ultimately show whats the best in the eyes of the market.

Plus, im sure PS2 fanboys were all about the sales when PS2 was king last gen. Im very surprised how PS3 fans forget their rich heritage of hardware sales praising.

leo-j, stop humiliating yourself.

Accept defeat, and go buy a 360.
The Playstation brand is a thing from the past.


My Gaming Setup

Sort of offtopic, but whats the point of having 32 to 60 ppl voicechatting? You wouldn't be able to hear anything anybody is saying.

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CGI-Quality said:
@ Infamous

Well it gets old arguing with someone looking for brownie points for out-typing people on the internet. That I could care less for. I came here to make a point, made it, and was leaving. Then you come in, claiming to have facts, but yet have none. Now I should argue further....why?


Secondly, I discredited your post, you gave up trying to defend yourself and started making bullshit posts. Of course you're not going to argue further, you had nothing to say a long time ago. Your last couple of posts seem to be only for amusement, which by the way, good job.


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Dianko said:
Sort of offtopic, but whats the point of having 32 to 60 ppl voicechatting? You wouldn't be able to make anything anybody is saying.


I've been in groups like that in WoW and it's very confusing, and that's with very mature people trying to cooperate.

Dianko said:

Sort of offtopic, but whats the point of having 32 to 60 ppl voicechatting? You wouldn't be able to hear anything anybody is saying.

There is no point, it was just some damage control Leo-J tried to throw my way which is completely false, anyway, rofl.

and lol @ Neoraf!

Edit: WAIT! I did accomplish somthing! I made CGI go from the $200 vs $400 excuse to now just mentioning "price cut!" Obviously now he means all SKUs, because of being discredited from the $200 excuse! GO ME?

Proud Owner of: 

250gig FFXIII SE Xbox 360, 250gig Xbox 360 S, black Wii, 120gig PS3 Slim, soon to be 3DS *___*

The PS3 sold more this week than last. Nice Job Sony, keep up the good sales. Make a profit out of this and Blu-ray's growth!

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Dianko said:

Sort of offtopic, but whats the point of having 32 to 60 ppl voicechatting? You wouldn't be able to hear anything anybody is saying.


 You can both text chat/private chat with friends, and the chat consists of how far you are located from the person's home avatar, if im next to you its clear, but if I were to walk 20 steps away I wouldnt be able to hear you.

Thats how they are balancing it out, and if its crowded, you can always just text chat as well as voice chat.

