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Forums - Sales Discussion - Other SALE UP! -- Playstation biting the dust!

Great 360 sales, and of course great DS and Wii numbers. I think the PS3 and PSP are still doing good.

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CGI-Quality said:
@ Infamous

Yea...insults get you banned but hey no sweat of my back if you do...ANYWAY, now tell me how you proved me or leo-j wrong? This one should be creative... D:

Uh, don't try to spin it like I'm "insulting" you. Thankfully, mods can read and will see better.

You told me how people were coming in and "debunking" my posts, yet it was only you and Leo-J, who both had proclaimed their obvious love for Sony for the longest time now. I wouldn't call that "debunking," rofl.. and it seems more people are targetting your comments then mine. You don't like to be critisized on anything you say, and when you're back against a corner and have nothing left to say, you throw the "this argument is worthless" excuse.

As for Leo-J, I really didn't pay much attention to his post, he mentioned HOME and nit-picked the situation even though HOME's party systems won't have anything M$'s system does. Then dejelek repsonded :

"NXE is a big factor, can you do 32 party voice chat in home , no, you have to type it. also the netflix things, also HDD install  etc, it is a great factor. not just price alone.
NXE brings so many good thing, and it is available right away, it is a big factor, also of course
proven xbox live, which give us better online experience and profit to MS.

I'm expecting another question from you, since you have nothing else to say it seems.

Sigh, this argument IS worthless, you can't argue with someone who likes to be right all the time..

Edit: Now Leo-J is lying about voice-chat for HOME (32-60 player voice chat, ROFL..). I seriously can't win against people like you two. Ugh.


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250gig FFXIII SE Xbox 360, 250gig Xbox 360 S, black Wii, 120gig PS3 Slim, soon to be 3DS *___*

StanGable said:
leo-j said:
lol wtf, you can do 32 player party voice chat in home, and in the home space you can do like maybe 60 people voice chat XD


Lol, how about you stick to convince people that getting a credit card to get a $100 off your PS3 purchase is a worth investment, at least you're talking about something that's real unlike that Home thing that's been coming out for the past 20 years :D

hahaha your funny, oh and by the way Im in home =)




"hahaha your funny, oh and by the way Im in home =)"

So am I. It's a fun dancing and bowling simulator

this is unreal and dissapointing indeed for the ps3.....they should've had some plan to boost sales near the holiday...wii doesn't need anything and 360 is going all out while the ps3 seems like its just waiting to show some sales but sony is not letting it for some reason. i guess this is their 10 year plan.....its pretty smart long term but hurts them short term. Curious to see ps3's future this gen. Seems like Microsoft is a step ahead of them in everything and it is yet unknown if they can step back anytime soon.

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Well done 360.
it is nice to see those fanboy's sorrow comments

as a 360 fan, it doesnt get better then this.

-General_Ram- said:
as a 360 fan, it doesnt get better then this.

Wo hohoho


CGI-Quality said:
@ Infamous

“you cant argue with someone who likes to be right all the time” speak highly of yourself it seems. Regardless, you have yet STILL to answer my question, let alone prove me wrong. Procrastinating at it's finest. I'm through with this, I didn't start this pointless argument but I'll finish it... I made my point. Also, you are the only one attacking me yet you've been contradicted by more than leo-j and I.

Stop trying to spin things out of proportion. You won't stop until you get the last word by any means, huh? Too bad. Good thing people can read our little convo we had because you're absolutely hysterical and desperate to get the last word at the same time. Oh I forgot, I'm insulting you now? Last I've seen the word "desperate" and "fanboy" are being thrown around this forum left and right. Funny you called me a fanboy, when you're an established known fanboy.

And no, it's just leo and you. That other random guy who didn't see me talking about your $200 vs $400 comment and assumed I was talking about price in general, yet didn't see me say price is defintely a factor TWICE? Oh, THAT guy? Rofl. No, it's really just two of Sony's biggets fanboys really attacking me. Which is expected/10.

Keep it up.


Proud Owner of: 

250gig FFXIII SE Xbox 360, 250gig Xbox 360 S, black Wii, 120gig PS3 Slim, soon to be 3DS *___*

Regardless of how poorly PS3 does, it will not be another Sega Saturn. It may end up that 360 saves the PS3, but worst case scenario is that PS3 base is big enough to port 360 games to, thus making 3600+ PS3 viable and keeping Wii support at bay. However, the PS3 will get no 3rd party exclusives.

This means very little for PS3- perhaps valkeryia chronciles will go to 360, and perhaps ToV, Star Ocean 4, and Mass Effect will remain 360 exclusive, but PS3 first party development is so fantastic I don't think it will matter. Unless the software starts to whither and 1st party development isn't worth it... but in that case, the console will die as a more expensive port machine wouldn't be able to stand up to a cheaper console with good exclusives.