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Forums - Sales Discussion - Other SALE UP! -- Playstation biting the dust!

^^Just saying, its a viable conclusion, and the reason many of my friends waited before buying a next generation console.  I'm sure the opinion was the same for many individuals, as most I would assume are smart and would like to do some comparitive shopping before jumping into a $400 console purchase.  I'm sorry you think it is rediculous and wish to slander it, but it is still a very viable answer, especially given my other arguments showing similar sales for the time period that they both were on the market.  If you disagree, at least say something constructive, ok?

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ssj12 said:
blazinhead89 said:
Everyone knows PS3 will fail, It's common sense PS3 will fail because i say it will, Playstation brand no more!!!!!!!


I know your post is sarcasm but I figure I;ll reply anyways.

People need to stop the trolling against Sony. Sony is doing VERY well considering the price point and the fact the year over year Sony has greatly increased marketshare and number of console sales that the PS3 has. 

Using our hardware chart located under Chartz you will find that this week is week 108 of the PS3's life. Comparing week 108 of the PS3 and 360 you will find that the PS3 is at 17.35m whie the 360 was only at 14.9m meaning that the PS3 is definitely selling at a faster rate than the 360 did in the same time frame.

Conscious post, too bad most can’t see this simple fact and what it means for the future for this generation.



nightsurge said:

Great Wii/DS and 360 sales in others. A 140k bump for the 360. US sales will show about another 250k bump for the 360. Thus in about 2-3 more weeks the 360 total year sales will be higher than the PS3's.

Let's review:
Last year towards the end, the PS3 saw a $100 price cut and became a great value as both a gaming console and a Blu-Ray player, thus hurtling it into great end of the year and start or 08 momentum. Then the 360 has a long overdue price cut (not some last chance effort or predatory strategy) that takes affect in September. The sales slowly incline until the holiday season gives the 360 all the momentum, which will probably carry well into the next year. So, considering both consoles have a great line-up of games, people on both sides will be happy with their purchases. So, since no PS3 price cut has been confirmed, and nothing can be more than speculated as far as what the price cut will do for the PS3 sales, we can only go off of current momentum, which puts the 360 at the advantage for 2009.

Assuming that the PS3 cuts prices ANOTHER $100, all MS has to do is cut prices a mere $50 or offer great bundles and other deals to increase their value to match. Given that the 360 has other means of revenue besides hardware and games (LIVE) and the PS3 online only costs them more money (I doubt the paid downloads and ads make up for all the cost). So, final word is: If Sony lowers the price, MS can back them into an even darker corner, one which Sony will not wish to go in, thus they are likely to hold out on price cuts for as long as possible.

You can't just compare their first 108 week sales.  I'm not trying to prove you wrong, merely state that since the 360 was the only console on the market, many people did not even consider buying it until they could compare it to the competition.  Notice that 2007 sales were much higher even with 2 other consoles to choose from in the market.  Just saying it gives a skewed picture.

Sales of both systems over the same time period starting when PS3 released shows they are doing very similar, with no console having any major lead:

Console PS3 X360

You cant compare consoles like that. If we did than we might as well cut a few million sales off the PS2's LTD sales when comparing it to the GC and Xbox in terms of market appeal since the GC and Xbox wasnt released till after the PS2.


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Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453
nightsurge said:

^^Just saying, its a viable conclusion, and the reason many of my friends waited before buying a next generation console.  I'm sure the opinion was the same for many individuals, as most I would assume are smart and would like to do some comparitive shopping before jumping into a $400 console purchase.


Sadly, nightsurge, you are mistaken.  Its a hard lesson, I know.

I also once believed that the most of the world was filled with smart people.

Ouch, quite the gnashing of the teeth against the world. Still, regardless of how you compare sales, there are flaws in every method and no way can give a clear, satisfactory picture since the situations varied so much. So many "What if's" involved. What if the PS3 had a full year on the market with no competition at $500 and $600. I'm sure with no competition, it's sales would have been very low since many would not be willing to cough up that much money with no other options to consider, and would be more than willing to play the wait and see card.

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I don't get the personal attack, its like some of your livelihood is at stake here and the downfall of the PS3 is the crutch to your survival. I'd never want any console in the current gen to die off and I don't think any will. Less competition is always bad afterall.

Anyways sales are up for everyone, Sony isn't performing as well but its expected considering the price point. The DS is truly a monster, will it reach 1 million in a single region soon?

nightsurge said:
Ouch, quite the gnashing of the teeth against the world. Still, regardless of how you compare sales, there are flaws in every method and no way can give a clear, satisfactory picture since the situations varied so much. So many "What if's" involved. What if the PS3 had a full year on the market with no competition at $500 and $600. I'm sure with no competition, it's sales would have been very low since many would not be willing to cough up that much money with no other options to consider, and would be more than willing to wait.


Yes that is a what if that would have made things different but than Sony would have had the price down $100 or more when competition was out. They had a price cut when the GC was released against the PS2.

Still looking at how you have it we might as well void out maybe 10 million PS2 sales because there was not competition for the PS2 for a year or so (have to remember the PS2 was released in Japan a few months before America and like a year later for Europe than the GC)

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Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453

look sony isnt going anywhere. be realistic, there gonna cut the price this coming year and where will the 360 be then?

bucknasty said:
look sony isnt going anywhere. be realistic, there gonna cut the price this coming year and where will the 360 be then?

Something we can only speculate on.  Just like the PS3 price cut itself.  You can't say for sure when and how much it will be, or how much affect it will have.  Nor can you predict what MS would do to combat it.

CGI-Quality said:
"@ Nightsurge

Well that could've gone either way, especially since, when the PS3 released, it was $599.99 compared to $399.99 and $299.99. Well guess what, many folks opted NOT TO buy the PS3 in light of the fact that there were two cheaper consoles on the market. That can go both ways."

So they waited for the competition to come out, then made their choice between the 3, with many choosing one of the cheaper consoles.

nightsurge said:
bucknasty said:
look sony isnt going anywhere. be realistic, there gonna cut the price this coming year and where will the 360 be then?

Something we can only speculate on.  Just like the PS3 price cut itself.  You can't say for sure when and how much it will be, or how much affect it will have.  Nor can you predict what MS would do to combat it.


Well look at it this way. Before last holiday when Blu-ray players were $400 very few people bought them, after the holiday was said and done there was a universal price cut to about $300. If you notice sales increased for Blu-ray this entire year.

While $300 wouldnt be exactly that $200 magic number, $300 is still a very friendly price point for a more people.

You also cant say the 360 has truly reached that number yet either since the arcade is an insanely stripped down model. If you notice the arcade isnt selling out or isnt selling out as fast as the more expensive SKUs because buying an HDD for the arcade is a bloddy ripoff compared to just buying a Pro and even average people might realize this because they might be smart enough to ask what is the difference between SKUs.

PC gaming is better than console gaming. Always.     We are Anonymous, We are Legion    Kick-ass interview   Great Flash Series Here    Anime Ratings     Make and Play Please
Amazing discussion about being wrong
Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453