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ssj12 said:
blazinhead89 said:
Everyone knows PS3 will fail, It's common sense PS3 will fail because i say it will, Playstation brand no more!!!!!!!


I know your post is sarcasm but I figure I;ll reply anyways.

People need to stop the trolling against Sony. Sony is doing VERY well considering the price point and the fact the year over year Sony has greatly increased marketshare and number of console sales that the PS3 has. 

Using our hardware chart located under Chartz you will find that this week is week 108 of the PS3's life. Comparing week 108 of the PS3 and 360 you will find that the PS3 is at 17.35m whie the 360 was only at 14.9m meaning that the PS3 is definitely selling at a faster rate than the 360 did in the same time frame.

Conscious post, too bad most can’t see this simple fact and what it means for the future for this generation.