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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Wii owners Secret Santa thread (Post before December 15th to join!)

@noname2200. Thanks and prob.

Wii code: 4679-4491-5808-6319,MKWii: 4296-3394-2843; Animal Crossing Wii: 3008-1736-4670.


Around the Network

Ok, I'd like to partecipate.
My friend code is 5665 3321 9148 1387
I got GC controller, the normal Wii controller + Nunchuk and the Balance Board, but NO Classic Controller.
The only problem is that i live in Italy...

Wii Fit is rapidly beating PS3...

Playing now: Apollo Justice, Majora's Mask

Going to play: Little King Story

"As long as there is a Triforce, there will be a Zelda  As long as there is a prosperous kingdom, there will be an evil that wants destroy it And as long as there is an oppressive force running Hyrule, there will be a boy, in a green tunic, with a silver shield, and a magic blade, to stand against them."-The Legend of Zelda
Alexandervgc said:
Ok, I have less than 100 posts but you invited me so I'd like to partecipate.
My friend code is 5665 3321 9148 1387
I got GC controller, the normal Wii controller + Nunchuk and the Balance Board, but NO Classic Controller.
The only problem is that i live in Italy...

Glad to have you! (And you actually have 192 posts).

And don't worry about living in Italy: Europe=Europe gifting works fine, as long as you change your country settings to whatever country your Tim is in.

Welcome aboard!


Oh! I didn't remember!
I edited, sorry XD

Wii Fit is rapidly beating PS3...

Playing now: Apollo Justice, Majora's Mask

Going to play: Little King Story

"As long as there is a Triforce, there will be a Zelda  As long as there is a prosperous kingdom, there will be an evil that wants destroy it And as long as there is an oppressive force running Hyrule, there will be a boy, in a green tunic, with a silver shield, and a magic blade, to stand against them."-The Legend of Zelda

sorry count me out man, i have to go see my brother in France for a cuple of weeks so i wont be able to join. next year though!

SSBB Code: 5327-2374-8112

MKWii Code : 3780-9266-6102

CoD WaW Code: 1376-1190-5157

Around the Network
bobbo19 said:
sorry count me out man, i have to go see my brother in France for a cuple of weeks so i wont be able to join. next year though!

Aww, that's too bad. Well, have happy holidays, and we'll see you around.

here we go :)

Wii: 7689-9833-9871-4916
Region: USA
Controllers: WiiMote, Nunchuck, Blaster, & GCN
VC/WiiWare: Up to date

Sorry it's taken me so long to dig up my info. 

Wii Code: 2107 2767 6140 7065
Country: USA
Controllers: I have a GC controller, but not the Balance Board or Classic Controller. I've been meaning to buy the latter for some time now, however, so don't let that effect your decision. :)

Crap, count me out. I can't access the Shop channel cause i need to update and if i update i won't be able to use the homebrew channel...

I'm terribly sorry, i'll try to find a workaround and post again.


alright, i'm in as well. i'll dig up my info tomorrow, can't be bothered to turn on my wii this late at night.


Wii Number: 1178 6690 9659 1207; Canada

Controllers: Classic, Gamecube, Wiimote, Don't have balence board

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask is the best Zelda title ever made.

"The Person Who Got the Closest to Winning the 1st VGC VC Giveaway, but still lost"