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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Wii owners Secret Santa thread (Post before December 15th to join!)

Ah. I was going to skip out since I usually prefer to detach myself from sentimental, foolish, human behavior, but... eh!
Here goes!

Wii code: 3639-4145-3934-5630
Country: USA
Controller: 3 Wiimotes/nunchucks, 2 GameCubes, (soon to be) Balance Board. Can assume I have one.

Also, LOL at the SHMUPGenius, that's hilarious

Around the Network
c0rd said:

Also, LOL at the SHMUPGenius, that's hilarious

Just as the bruising to my ego (and reading skills...) was starting to go down.



There ya go, I put a strikethrough on that line. It's like it never happened...

My Christmas present to you!

This is a little late, but I want to participate!!

My Wii Code is in my sig. I'm still not sure what I'm supposed to do? I just wait? Where are the Wiicodes. Sorry I'm so stupid...=( I need a good gift.

3DS FC: 1306 6473 7511

Nintendod Network ID: xsorenx

Add me for Pokemon, New Leaf, and Fire Emblem, Mario Kart 8.

Hyperion said:
This is a little late, but I want to participate!!

My Wii Code is in my sig. I'm still not sure what I'm supposed to do? I just wait? Where are the Wiicodes. Sorry I'm so stupid...=( I need a good gift.

No need to put yourself down, mate.

Basically, I'll need what country your Wii is set to, and what controllers you have (some downloadable games need certain controllers). After that, you just wait a bit.

On the 17th or 18th, I'll send you the name, code, and country of the person you'll give a gift to. I'll also send you a few other numbers: one of those people will gift you a game. You'll then have a few days to send, and receive, your game(s).

To make it easier for your Santa, please update your Game Collection, so they don't waste time getting you a game you already own.

And welcome!

Around the Network

^^^thanks so much

I have only a GC controller, no Classic or Balance Board.

I live in the US. My collection is up to date (but it's lacking Megaman 9 or World of Goo *hinthinthint*)

3DS FC: 1306 6473 7511

Nintendod Network ID: xsorenx

Add me for Pokemon, New Leaf, and Fire Emblem, Mario Kart 8.

0848 2808 8480 9662 my code i have wii mote and gc computer i already have mario 64, mario world, punch out ft mr dream, king of monsters, legnad of zelda oot, kirby 64, kirby adventure and bases loaded
I would love world of goo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

I have an AMerican wii (north america)


i mean USA thats were my wii is


^^But your profile says you're from the UK? Wtc?

3DS FC: 1306 6473 7511

Nintendod Network ID: xsorenx

Add me for Pokemon, New Leaf, and Fire Emblem, Mario Kart 8.

i mean USA thats were my wii is

Ah! Thanks for the heads-up: I was about to put you in the wrong region!