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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Wii owners Secret Santa thread (Post before December 15th to join!)

Alright, great news everyone. Naznatips tells me that it is possible to gift to someone outside your country, if you toy with a few settings. I'll let him speak for himself.

"It's not possible outside of region. So anyone in the North America region can gift to each other, anyone in the PAL region can gift to each other.

To do so the person giving the gift need to switch their console's country to the country fo the person recieving the gift. To figure out what people you can trade to simply go in and look at the countries you can set your Wii to. That will tell you who is in that region."

As an added bonus, you can hold onto your Wii points when you change.

This makes things a little easier. I'll be PM-ing a few of you for help to see what the limitations for each region are, but now you don't have to worry as much about being the only person from your country participating.

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good news.... I knew it was really weird it was not by region

Castlevania Judgment FC:     1161 - 3389 - 1512

3DS Friend Code:   3480-2746-6289

Wii Friend Code: 4268-9719-1932-3069

I hereby sticky this thread~

To Each Man, Responsibility

Hooray for Sqrl! I really hope this goes well.

Ok I just got the PM about this country/reigon problem, so I hope my post will be useful to someone with my same situation.

I live in Saudi Arabia, which is in the Middle East. The Wii have three versions, JPN, PAL and US.
All of the three versions of the Wii are available in our market, the US version being the more obvious choice.
My Wii is a US version.
Going in the Wii's menu and checking the country settings, the only "Arabian Gulf" country that is available there is U.A.E.

Here is the most "important"countries in my Wii (there is too much to list):

So I made a test, I changed my Wii's country setting (it was U.A.E, as it is the closest to my country) to the US, and played Mario Kart Wii.
I got online and played a reigonal race, and.....The game actually thinks I am in NY! so is this a good thing?

^^^ This is what you get for blowing a rumor out of proportion

Chocobo brain damage!!! Here, drink this diet Coke..*runs*

Currently playing :

VC - Ogre Battle March of the Black Queen
Wii - New Super Mario Bros. Wii
DS - Glory of Heracels

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Sqrl said:
I hereby sticky this thread~

It's a Christmas miracle!


Yes. Yes it is. It means you can participate!


For real?! :^O  I thought it was too good to be true! (All it took was changing the country?!)


Ok! count me in!

...But first I know it sounds stupid to you guys but i need a clarification about this Secret Santa thing.

In about two weeks, you'll receive a PM from me withseveral Wii Codes, one of which is your Santa's. (Thanks Khuutra!) I'll also give you a Wii Code for your Tiny Tim. Don't worry, it'll be clear which is which.  Add them all to your Wii, decide what game to get your Tiny Tim, and gift it sometime in the next two or three days. Then enjoy whatever game your Santa got you.

I know who is Santa and what his mission is, but ...Tiny Tim? who is that and what is he suppose to do? ^^;


Can someone technically explain it? Random Wii numbers wiil be in our inbox, we add these numbers in our Wii, we pick one of the numbers to send a gift to, and a random number in our Wii list will send us a gift.

Is that how it works?

Sorry to sound ignorant but please consider it as a culture diffrence.


BTW I have classic controller and I would(want) it to be a WiiWare game *coughWorldofgoocough* :)

^^^ This is what you get for blowing a rumor out of proportion

Chocobo brain damage!!! Here, drink this diet Coke..*runs*

Currently playing :

VC - Ogre Battle March of the Black Queen
Wii - New Super Mario Bros. Wii
DS - Glory of Heracels

silverlunar777 said:


For real?! :^O  I thought it was too good to be true! (All it took was changing the country?!)


Ok! count me in!

...But first I know it sounds stupid to you guys but i need a clarification about this Secret Santa thing.

In about two weeks, you'll receive a PM from me withseveral Wii Codes, one of which is your Santa's. (Thanks Khuutra!) I'll also give you a Wii Code for your Tiny Tim. Don't worry, it'll be clear which is which.  Add them all to your Wii, decide what game to get your Tiny Tim, and gift it sometime in the next two or three days. Then enjoy whatever game your Santa got you.

I know who is Santa and what his mission is, but ...Tiny Tim? who is that and what is he suppose to do? ^^;


Can someone technically explain it? Random Wii numbers wiil be in our inbox, we add these numbers in our Wii, we pick one of the numbers to send a gift to, and a random number in our Wii list will send us a gift.

Is that how it works?

Sorry to sound ignorant but please consider it as a culture diffrence.


BTW I have classic controller and I would(want) it to be a WiiWare game *coughWorldofgoocough* :)

Glad to have you (and nice choice on your wishlist).

"Tiny Tim" is from a popular Charles Dickens story, the same one involving Scrooge. Don't sweat the details, though: what matters for this thread is that it's the person you'll be giving a game to.

And you pretty much summed the process up, except that you don't pick which of the numbers to gift to. I'll give you one number for that: that person is your "Tiny Tim," and you'll send that person a game.

One of the other numbers on your list is YOUR Secret Santa, and will give you a game. I'll be giving you several numbers, though, so you won't be able to tell which one of those numbers is your Secret Santa. It adds an extra layer of annonymity.


noname2200 said:

Glad to have you (and nice choice on your wishlist).

"Tiny Tim" is from a popular Charles Dickens story, the same one involving Scrooge. Don't sweat the details, though: what matters for this thread is that it's the person you'll be giving a game to.

And you pretty much summed the process up, except that you don't pick which of the numbers to gift to. I'll give you one number for that: that person is your "Tiny Tim," and you'll send that person a game.

One of the other numbers on your list is YOUR Secret Santa, and will give you a game. I'll be giving you several numbers, though, so you won't be able to tell which one of those numbers is your Secret Santa. It adds an extra layer of annonymity.


Thanks for the explnation! I got it fully now. (The only Charles Dickens novels I read was great Expectations and A Tale of Two Cities , I think I should check out the one you mentioned)


This will be interesting, good luck collecting and sorting all these numbers D8.


^^^ This is what you get for blowing a rumor out of proportion

Chocobo brain damage!!! Here, drink this diet Coke..*runs*

Currently playing :

VC - Ogre Battle March of the Black Queen
Wii - New Super Mario Bros. Wii
DS - Glory of Heracels

Wait wait wait, so we have to add ALL the Wii codes you give us ..... because you can only gift people on your friends list ..... right? And I think it would be better if you just gave us the FC of our Santa, no extras. Mean less work for you.

# of games above 75 on Metacritic (including downloadable):

360: 241     DS: 144

PS3: 152     PSP: 126

Wii: 85