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Forums - Sony Discussion - If you know anything about RPGs, enter here.

twesterm said:
Kasz216 said:
twesterm said:

FFX-2 is complete garbage. It's somewhere along the level of FF: Mystic Quest for the SNES.

FFCC for the Gamecube isn't bad if you have three friends to play it with, otherwise don't waste your time.

As for what one you should get: FFVI, preferably for the GBA and then go ahead and pick Chrono Trigger DS while you're at it (you can get both of those for the PS1 and play them on your Ps2 but they are the worst versions of both games).

Hey, don't compare FF-X2 to Mystic Quest.

Mystic Quest is good.  Just not for people who have already played RPGS.

It was a good "Starter" RPG to introduce people who might of been confused by things like leveling up or get lost eaisly.


Oh I agree it's great for the younger crowd or people that have never played an RPG before but that doesn't change the fact the story was quite bad and the writing (or maybe just translation?) was horrid.


No worse then NES RPGS though i suppose that was the problem.  It was an SNES Game.

It gets points for me for not having random encounters too... I mean... why it took so long for Square to give up random encounters when tons of games (Including other square games) went with the "monsters move towards you" gimic.

Also Tristam ruled.

Though yeah.  Outside of begginers not great.

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Xenosaga, I've always hated Dark Cloud.

We'll miss you George.



My friends call me Hadoken because I'm down-right fierce

I've rarely even heard about Dark Cloud so I can't say anything on it. Might be good, might be bad. On the other hand, I've heard quite a lot good about Xenosaga so it might be a good choice. X-2 isn't bad, either, though it's definitely on par with the main series. Still, it seems to be one of the better non-main series games.

Really liked DC1, never played 2.

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Kasz216 said:
twesterm said:
Kasz216 said:
twesterm said:

FFX-2 is complete garbage. It's somewhere along the level of FF: Mystic Quest for the SNES.

FFCC for the Gamecube isn't bad if you have three friends to play it with, otherwise don't waste your time.

As for what one you should get: FFVI, preferably for the GBA and then go ahead and pick Chrono Trigger DS while you're at it (you can get both of those for the PS1 and play them on your Ps2 but they are the worst versions of both games).

Hey, don't compare FF-X2 to Mystic Quest.

Mystic Quest is good.  Just not for people who have already played RPGS.

It was a good "Starter" RPG to introduce people who might of been confused by things like leveling up or get lost eaisly.


Oh I agree it's great for the younger crowd or people that have never played an RPG before but that doesn't change the fact the story was quite bad and the writing (or maybe just translation?) was horrid.


No worse then NES RPGS though i suppose that was the problem.  It was an SNES Game.

It gets points for me for not having random encounters too... I mean... why it took so long for Square to give up random encounters when tons of games (Including other square games) went with the "monsters move towards you" gimic.

Also Tristam ruled.

Though yeah.  Outside of begginers not great.

Yeah, but compare it to other SNES RPG's.  NES games didn't have a lot to worth with and I suppose compared to other NES RPG's it wasn't horrible. 

Compare it to other SNES RPG's though, FFIV, FFVI, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Breath of Fire, ect, and I would rather spend all day playing FFX-2.


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SaviorX said:

I was at the store, about to buy a quick game, but then I thought about what would happen if I came home and it was a turd. So I held off on my purchase and decided to ask you guys. These were the PS2 games I was looking at:

hack.// (confusing)

Xenosaga I-III

Dark Cloud 1 or 2

FF X-2

EDIT: I also saw the Sukodien PS2 games there 

I saw Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles for the GC, but I was told it was pretty lacking.

So which RPGs should I get for the PS2 listed here ( or not listed here)? I was close to getting the 1st Xenosaga, but decided against it.


I'll order them:

Xenosega I - great game!  Xenosega II isn't as good, but still good...  haven't played 3 yet.  Definitely get the first before the others.  (Athlogh I haven't played the third yet).

Dark Cloud - Personally I prefer Xenosega, but others may prefer this.

Start with the above (personally I recommend Xenosage more)

Hack - There are games that are more repetive... it's decent but not definitely low on the list.  Might be worth considering if it costs less then the above.

FF X-2 - Graphics are better then Hack, but other then that...  I think I would pick hack over it...



Actually, the .hack//G.U. series is much better than the original. Get those before the .hack//

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I bought Xenosaga I for $6.35.

We'll see how good it is. I heard there were some cutscene issues (too long?)

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I guess it depends if you like cut scenes or not.

The only time they bother me in a game is if you can't skip them, and you die right after a long one...

I loved Dark Cloud 2.
Xenosaga is more cut scenes than a game