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Forums - Sony Discussion - If you know anything about RPGs, enter here.

Acevil said:
zexen_lowe said:
Acevil said:
From that list I think you should either pick up dark cloud 2 or xenosage. If you saw suikoden 3 or 5 go for it. If you saw 4 or Tactics, I guess avoid it.

I wouldn't say avoid it, they are good games, but they are the weakest of the series by far. They shouyld be played after you know you love the series.



 Well it is Tales of Legendia, Final Fantasy X-2 or Grandia X, it might make you hate the series before you even get into them.

Yeah, you're right

You still try to convince me that Legendia is the black sheep of the Tales series, I see


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Xenosaga all the way... the two kickass girls Shion and Kos-Mos


OK one is a robot..... still hot tho


But sadly nr 2 was a huge disappointment for me but luckily they fixed it with nr 3... I often skip nr 2 when I replay Xenosaga triolgy.

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

Dark Cloud 2 by far.

No need for DC1 though, stories are not related.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


Got a retro room? Post it here!

I have to side with Dark Cloud 2

Dark Cloud! Both of them!

Level 5 better announce a Dark Cloud 3 soon. >=(

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SaviorX said:

I was at the store, about to buy a quick game, but then I thought about what would happen if I came home and it was a turd. So I held off on my purchase and decided to ask you guys. These were the PS2 games I was looking at:

hack.// (confusing)

Xenosaga I-III

Dark Cloud 1 or 2

FF X-2

EDIT: I also saw the Sukodien PS2 games there 

I saw Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles for the GC, but I was told it was pretty lacking.

So which RPGs should I get for the PS2 listed here ( or not listed here)? I was close to getting the 1st Xenosaga, but decided against it.

Out of your list, I don´t know Dark Cloud, so I would choose the Suikoden series (3 is good, 4 sucks, 5 still playing - ask zexen_lowe more about them he loves the suikoden series)

konnichiwa said:
ceaser92 said:
twesterm said:

FFX-2 is complete garbage. It's somewhere along the level of FF: Mystic Quest for the SNES.

FFCC for the Gamecube isn't bad if you have three friends to play it with, otherwise don't waste your time.

As for what one you should get: FFVI, preferably for the GBA and then go ahead and pick Chrono Trigger DS while you're at it (you can get both of those for the PS1 and play them on your Ps2 but they are the worst versions of both games).


this guy said x-2 sucks wow


That guy says a lot of games sucks......   I wonder how that guy Ghostbuster game will be.



That would be because there are a lot of sucky games out there.

And Ghostbusters is doing just fine. 

twesterm said:
konnichiwa said:
ceaser92 said:
twesterm said:

FFX-2 is complete garbage. It's somewhere along the level of FF: Mystic Quest for the SNES.

FFCC for the Gamecube isn't bad if you have three friends to play it with, otherwise don't waste your time.

As for what one you should get: FFVI, preferably for the GBA and then go ahead and pick Chrono Trigger DS while you're at it (you can get both of those for the PS1 and play them on your Ps2 but they are the worst versions of both games).


this guy said x-2 sucks wow


That guy says a lot of games sucks......   I wonder how that guy Ghostbuster game will be.



That would be because there are a lot of sucky games out there.

And Ghostbusters is doing just fine. 

I hope for ya!!

Otherwise FFX-2>>>>>>>>Ghostbusters =p.

Edit: I forgot....Persona 4 JRPG of the Year!!


I would recommend FFXII if you haven't already, but definitely not FFX-2, otherwise Xenosaga

twesterm said:
konnichiwa said:
ceaser92 said:
twesterm said:

FFX-2 is complete garbage. It's somewhere along the level of FF: Mystic Quest for the SNES.

FFCC for the Gamecube isn't bad if you have three friends to play it with, otherwise don't waste your time.

As for what one you should get: FFVI, preferably for the GBA and then go ahead and pick Chrono Trigger DS while you're at it (you can get both of those for the PS1 and play them on your Ps2 but they are the worst versions of both games).


this guy said x-2 sucks wow


That guy says a lot of games sucks......   I wonder how that guy Ghostbuster game will be.



That would be because there are a lot of sucky games out there.

And Ghostbusters is doing just fine. 


I drool hourly for Ghostbusters.

It can get quite embarrasing in publc.

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