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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Hard to play Resident Evil: ReMake after playing RE4...


Whats the C-Stick option? Does it control camera? I'm about to give it a second go right now. It's getting dark outside in my area where I live. Now the experience will get scarier..muhahahaha!!

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No, you can't control the camera in Resident Evil. It's fixed at a certain angle. Sometimes this turns out poorly, but the REmake is better than most other games in the series about this.

BengaBenga said:

And there I am! Lol!

Let me keep it civilized: Yes it's normal that you hate the controls, but you'll get used to it in an hour or so.
Once you've pushed through that enormous learning curve one of the most hardcore, deep and amazing games lies waiting for you. After you've finished it you'll feel great that you've played it and will think RE4, however great it is, is for sissies.

Edit: Oh and for heavens sake: start with Jill!!!


A good reason for starting with Jill and not the other guy? Is easier? has a better story?

Castlevania Judgment FC:     1161 - 3389 - 1512

3DS Friend Code:   3480-2746-6289

Wii Friend Code: 4268-9719-1932-3069

Nothing compares to the scare you get just from being in a corridor where you died before in REmake.... I took long routes around just so I could avoid the East corridor with the Zombie dogs and the window where 4 crimson head zombies fall through (next to the evil bathroom)

And if they reduced the amount of ammo and health items in RE4:Wii then it there must have been a lot of them in the original.... in REmake you can't horde ammo unless you are amazing with the knife (and I found the knife was useless in REmake as the zombies don't seem to recoil from it, so before you get 5 slashes they are upon you)

Soma said:
BengaBenga said:

And there I am! Lol!

Let me keep it civilized: Yes it's normal that you hate the controls, but you'll get used to it in an hour or so.
Once you've pushed through that enormous learning curve one of the most hardcore, deep and amazing games lies waiting for you. After you've finished it you'll feel great that you've played it and will think RE4, however great it is, is for sissies.

Edit: Oh and for heavens sake: start with Jill!!!


A good reason for starting with Jill and not the other guy? Is easier? has a better story?

1. You get the gun earlier (and as I said above, the knife is not so effective in REmake)
2. You get 8 item slots to carry things around instead of 6 with Chris
3. You get the lockpick instead of having to find 5 old keys (lockpick doesn't take up space in the inventory)
4. She looks better than Chris.

One disadvantage is that I think Chris gets the lighter in the place where Jill gets the Lockpick... which means you will always have a lighter on you. (although as Jill has 2 extra item spaces that advantage is negated)


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Well, ammo was made more scarce in the Wii version partially because the weapons were rebalanced to be more realistic with a better graduated scale of damage and partially because the increased ease of aiming makes kills easier in general.

Headshots actually doing more damage is really special.

yea REmake is the best survivor horror game i know of, you can't really compare the 2 directly because people are looking for different things in the games. REmake is harder, scarier, and has a better environment but you have to deal with the control scheme.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

TWRoO said:
Soma said:
BengaBenga said:

And there I am! Lol!

Let me keep it civilized: Yes it's normal that you hate the controls, but you'll get used to it in an hour or so.
Once you've pushed through that enormous learning curve one of the most hardcore, deep and amazing games lies waiting for you. After you've finished it you'll feel great that you've played it and will think RE4, however great it is, is for sissies.

Edit: Oh and for heavens sake: start with Jill!!!


A good reason for starting with Jill and not the other guy? Is easier? has a better story?

1. You get the gun earlier (and as I said above, the knife is not so effective in REmake)
2. You get 8 item slots to carry things around instead of 6 with Chris
3. You get the lockpick instead of having to find 5 old keys (lockpick doesn't take up space in the inventory)
4. She looks better than Chris.

One disadvantage is that I think Chris gets the lighter in the place where Jill gets the Lockpick... which means you will always have a lighter on you. (although as Jill has 2 extra item spaces that advantage is negated)



In other words, Jill is for noobs    Ok, good to know, I'll start with her.


Castlevania Judgment FC:     1161 - 3389 - 1512

3DS Friend Code:   3480-2746-6289

Wii Friend Code: 4268-9719-1932-3069

Chris has like twice the health Jill does, doesn't he?

It's not that the controls are different in Re4 (they're still tank controls), it's just that when combined with the fixed camera angles from the pre-RE4 games, it makes for a much higher learning curve. I'd say that you should go around the dining room, running around the table. If you can go around the table without stopping, you're pretty much set to go around the rest of the mansion.

What makes the previous RE's scarier than RE4 are those fixed camera angles. It's not a problem when you can see the enemy. You can manage and deal with the situation just fine (even without ammo). But when you're going down a hall, and you hear the zombie approaching, yet you cannot see it, that's when you start to panic. Imagine REmake without the fixed camera... the sense of panic and dread are pretty much gone (Imagine Umbrella Chronicles here).

Resident Evil 4 went away with the fixed camera angles, and because of that, it struggled with the scare factor somewhat. Still, there were some parts that put chills down my spine (Novistadors... which you couldn't see. Oh, and don't forget Verdugo... who also evaded your line of sight. Connection?)