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Forums - Sales Discussion - Call Of Duty : World At War (COD5) KILLED Resistance 2 Sales!!

Who cares how much a game sells?

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Sonys biggest misstake was that they released it only in Us first instead of releasing it worldwide thats why World at war stole attention from it.


Jabo 494 said:
Who cares how much a game sells?

lol. All of us ?

And that's surprising because? COD is a much bigger franchise than Resistance. Not to mention it's released on every since console. COD is the Madden of FPS. Nobody in their right mind should expect R2 to come anywhere close to COD5.

Jabo 494 said:
Who cares how much a game sells?


Well, People who work for those developers or console companies should, which is about 0.00001% of us here.

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I bought my 2nd PS3 game all year in Resistance 2. Far superior game to WAW in my opinion. Treyarch basically piggybacking off last years success.

I meant some people should focus more on the game itself than how much it sells.

leo-j said:
reask said:
darthdevidem01 said:
reask said:
In all fairness this game was been hyped as the ps3 gears of war so you have to ask youself what did happen.

I mean cod5 didnt do gears any harm.

Not trying to troll but facts are facts.

GEOW 2 is a TPS....there is no comparison whatsoever.

these two games are FPS's



Lets not cut straws here fps tps Sony was putting this game up against gears.

 I am just pointing out the fact.

I am not saying one is better than the other as I have not played rfom but the op was about sales.

Sony never put RESISTANCE 2 up against gears 2..fanboys did.


Oh really?

"And I think one of the biggest games for us will be Resistance 2. We expect that, in November, to go toe-to-toe against Gears of War 2. It will be our third-generation PS3 product. Insomniac, having shipped Resistance 1, quietly sold a million units. And then Ratchet & Clank last fall. This is the third [game] on their technology shipping in November.

I welcome the head-to-head competition. I think it is going to be really exciting to see how we sort of put some distance graphically and from a fidelity standpoint with third-generation tech against the HD-DVD effort."

-Scott Steinberg-SCEA Vice President of Product Marketing

Would you like that crow with a side order of fries?


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Sony PR strikes again!!!

FishyJoe said:
Sony PR strikes again!!!

Damn Fishy. I think I killed the whole thread.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.