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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Halo 3 on pc?

sure looks like it. Take a look at the latest dexter episode; s3e10. Might be halo 1 though, but i swear i saw a bubble shield.

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Why would they even pick Dexter to show the PC version of the game in the first place? o_O

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^i dont know dude, but take a look. I can try uploading the clip on youtube.

It's most likely never going to happen. Look at the length of time since Halo 3 was released, and it's still not on PC. They've made up their minds. If Halo: ODST drops and it's still not on PC by that time, it's not going to happen.

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i watched it again. I am 100% sure dexter is playing halo 3 on the pc. I am willing to risk life time ban if proven wrong

he plays at the pit he stucks a guy and throws a bubble shield. I swear its from 12 .50 to 13.00 or so in the episode

masterb8tr said:

i watched it again. I am 100% sure dexter is playing halo 3 on the pc. I am willing to risk life time ban if proven wrong

now it's getting interesting !!!

Don't go by TV shows. These are the same people that will show people holding an XBox (not 360) controller playing a PS3 game.

Even if it is Halo 3 being shown, I guarantee you someone just tried to think of a popular game.

They probably just downloaded a video of someone playing Halo 3 and pretended like they were playing. If you seriously think MS would use a second rate show to announce Halo 3 PC then your delusional.


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