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Forums - Sales Discussion - Square Enix 08 sales Down 75%

Doesn't matter.The thing is that it's 360 exclusive...


poor SE. The only thing that can save them now is Bust a Groove 3 HAHA

Persona4 = WIN

PSP fanboi

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DirtyP2002 said:
Zlejedi said:
Sigh they could have easily added at least 100 or more probably 200k more if they released IU on PS3.

 Infinite Undiscovery is owned by Microsoft. Just like Halo.

Well, that was a waste of money.

@ king

Yup.  They want to focus JRPG support on the console that hasn't moved a million units in Japan rather than focusing on the console(s) that did move more than 2 million units in the land of the rising sun.  How fucking stupid of a decision was that to make?  Now sales are down 75 percent cause MS is lining your pockets with cash.   And at the end of the day, all these JRPGs have come out, and what has it done for SE?  It dropped sales 75 percent, and MS is still lagging behind in weekly and total sales in Japan.  Wasted venture?

That's what they get for leaving out PS3.

After the Final Fantasy 13 to 360 announcement i'm already pissed at them, but so help me god if they decide to announce KH3 for another console, then they will lose all my support.

SE will be fine, the numbers going up and down is not a surprise. These are JA numbers not Global. SE is trying to get a larger target number by releasing on both 360 and PS3 not just in JA but NA also. FFXIII is (still) a PS3 exclusive (JA), TLR will be coming out in 09 on PS3 also, which should boost the 2009 numbers. There are some great releases coming out in 2009 for SE.

To all the "that's because of the lack of PS3 support and increasing amount of exclusive jRPGs for 360!" people :

So, how many copies do you think would Infinite Undiscovery and The Last Remnant have sold if they were PS3 exclusives?

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Don't blame Square Enix, blame the US recession.

serves them right

Serves them right. Ignore a company who's console has had a strong RPG fanbase for the last 12 years or so for a console that has yet to move 1M consoles in over 3 years.

No wonder we have the rumor about Kitase and Nomura being unhappy with SE, can you blame them?

Talk about stupid decisions.

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msnolp said:

Don't blame Square Enix, blame the US recession.


 What does the US have to do with Japan?

Fact is that they are ignoring a console and it's userbase that has really put them on the map in the last dozen or so years, pretty much moved over to the lowest selling console in Japan and continue to release garbage.

I see nobody else to blame but S-E.

Serves them right if sales continue to dip though, because unlike the "Spirits Within" debacle, Sony won't be there to bail them out finacially this time.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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I am very happy this has happened.

Givign all those JRPG's to 360 for no reason & SO4 as well....WTF!

& not supporting wii.....WTF!

they deserve this....

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey