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Forums - Sales Discussion - Square Enix 08 sales Down 75%

~flame said:
leo-j said:
XBOX 360 is likely to have twice the installed base of the ps3 by the time FF XIII comes out?

Where did this come from?


 in way in america and doubt.



Oh yes because GT5, and a price cut mean nothing to sales/sarcasm


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Oyvoyvoyv said:

Remember that Final Fantasy is far, far bigger than any of the 360's JRPGs, and that FF is the best selling RPG in Americas ever, regardless of whether it is JRPG, SRPG or WRPG.


 exactly. on another note no wonder sqaure-enix are trying to break the western market  the sales in japan are not that good,IMO as much as i love JRPG but i think WRPG's are far better this gen, i've played fable 2  mass effectand FO3 and it pretty much blows what SE has been doing this gen.

Playing Assassin's Creed and Resident evil 5 <3

I dont want to be fanboy anymore...Why? it takes to much work but i will call on ppl on there B.S!!!:)

leo-j said:

Right now its all assumptions, and well considering the 360 has a 700k install base in japan, i think its ridiculouse to release HUGE square ip exclusive to the xbox 360 in japan, while the PS3 has nearly a 3million install base, and the wii what? 8 million?


 exactly im not gonna argue with this, you have a good point SE should really check themselves and see what the other companies are doing and that is...releasing mulitplatform, it's really strange that SE aren't releasing some big game on the Wii:?

Playing Assassin's Creed and Resident evil 5 <3

I dont want to be fanboy anymore...Why? it takes to much work but i will call on ppl on there B.S!!!:)

~flame said:

lol i love it when the PS3 fanboyswhining, hey hows Eternal soanata's coming along guys? last time i checked it's elling below 360 sales, i dont give me the "uh bub-buh it's a port" i hear you guys stating time ans time again that you guys want JRPG's when you guys do you dont buy them.. why would S.E waste time on the PS3? if i were Sqaure-Enix i would go pro Ds and the Wii, for god sakes not even there 1st party sony games sales that good (Cough* VC and LBPcough)'s coming along fine.  It's what you'd expect from a 1-year old port of a game that didn't sell well in its original run to begin with.  How's MGS2 coming along on the XBox?

Thats what the piece of shit company gets.=P

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thats what ypu get for going 360 exclusive not bad mind thins going on but its true

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

jacks81x said:
~flame said:

lol i love it when the PS3 fanboyswhining, hey hows Eternal soanata's coming along guys? last time i checked it's elling below 360 sales, i dont give me the "uh bub-buh it's a port" i hear you guys stating time ans time again that you guys want JRPG's when you guys do you dont buy them.. why would S.E waste time on the PS3? if i were Sqaure-Enix i would go pro Ds and the Wii, for god sakes not even there 1st party sony games sales that good (Cough* VC and LBPcough)'s coming along fine.  It's what you'd expect from a 1-year old port of a game that didn't sell well in its original run to begin with.  How's MGS2 coming along on the XBox?


 i wouldn't know never had an xbox last gen, nice try assumptionsFTL!

Playing Assassin's Creed and Resident evil 5 <3

I dont want to be fanboy anymore...Why? it takes to much work but i will call on ppl on there B.S!!!:)

Soriku said:
Valkyria00 said:
Thats what the piece of shit company gets.=P


Take that back! D: TWEWY FTW!

Never. Releasing remakes after remakes charging for all kinds of crazy extra garbage. ($24 for a disc full of trailers) FF has been released a billion different times. Im glad people actually stopped buying their garbage. Seems some of the dogs unchained themselves.=P


Soriku said:
Valkyria00 said:
Soriku said:
Valkyria00 said:
Thats what the piece of shit company gets.=P


Take that back! D: TWEWY FTW!

Never. Releasing remakes after remakes charging for all kinds of crazy extra garbage. ($24 for a disc full of trailers) FF has been released a billion different times. Im glad people actually stopped buying their garbage. Seems some of the dogs unchained themselves.=P



Yes, their remakes are annoying, but TWEWY is an awesome original game.

One orignal GOOD game in a long time. Reader impressions Ive read of IU and TLR are garbage. I dont care if you say they were once a good company. Squaresoft might have been but Square Enix no. They are garbage.


I've heard there's a lot of places in USA where people only speak spanish :)

Still I think that FF XIII , SO 4 and WKC (ok it's not SE title) will be real benchmarks of what jRPG sales are on next gens.