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~flame said:

lol i love it when the PS3 fanboyswhining, hey hows Eternal soanata's coming along guys? last time i checked it's elling below 360 sales, i dont give me the "uh bub-buh it's a port" i hear you guys stating time ans time again that you guys want JRPG's when you guys do you dont buy them.. why would S.E waste time on the PS3? if i were Sqaure-Enix i would go pro Ds and the Wii, for god sakes not even there 1st party sony games sales that good (Cough* VC and LBPcough)'s coming along fine.  It's what you'd expect from a 1-year old port of a game that didn't sell well in its original run to begin with.  How's MGS2 coming along on the XBox?