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Forums - Sales Discussion - Square Enix 08 sales Down 75%

It's cool, I will try to be more clear next time.

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Khuutra said:
It's cool, I will try to be more clear next time.


 Knowing me, I will need a full written explanation to go with your post.


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RPG said:
For all upcoming SE games, it is DQ 9 which will most probably most the largest profit which begs the question, as Level 5 are making the game what % of the earnings do they take?


 I dont think they are getting any % from earnings. Most likely they just got paid for the job, and obviously not very much since otherwise SE would just make their own team to develop the game.

   And by the way, the game is not being developed solely by Level-5, it's a collaborative project between Armor Project, Level-5 and Square-Enix. All three companies take part in its development.

2008 list doesn't have chrono trigger or last remnant yet, but still sales are down big time. Not sure why Square didn't move some of that huge list of FF games to 08, way too many FF games in 1 year.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

msnolp said:
So who think FXIII will sold more on 360 than ps3.
for me is 360 because of its awesome user base.


Oh god.. Your kidding right? Firstly, FFXIII is an exclusive in Japan, where the game matters most. Secondly, it's been in the Playstation franchise for a long time, I can CONFIRM that it will for a fact sell better on PS3 because of those 2 reasons, quote me on it.

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Looks like they just made alot less games.

I do have a hint for them. Make real games for the Wii. Maybe you'd earn more money.

Smashed said:
msnolp said:
So who think FXIII will sold more on 360 than ps3.
for me is 360 because of its awesome user base.


Oh god.. Your kidding right? Firstly, FFXIII is an exclusive in Japan, where the game matters most. Secondly, it's been in the Playstation franchise for a long time, I can CONFIRM that it will for a fact sell better on PS3 because of those 2 reasons, quote me on it.


 I'm fairly certain he means excluding Japan.

Out of Japan, I don't really know. FF is pretty small in Others (big, but nowhere as big as in Americas/Japan). It will definately sell more on 360 in Americas. I think that the Others total will be short off 2M (combined), with a 66/33 split (favouring the Ps3). Can the 360 outsell the Ps3 version by more than that in Americas? Maybe.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

DMeisterJ said:
ClaudeLv250 said:

ROFFLE. You must be on the verge of rage at the PS3 numbers if you honestly believe that acknowledging that it's not tearing up the charts is considered 'trolling.' SE has yet to release any of their games exclusively for 360: IU is Microsoft's IP and The Last Remnant is only timed exclusive. So don't come in here with this "we just want equal treatment" bullshit when most of the people pissing all over SE in this thread were the main ones slamming IU and TLR in their respective threads. That act is like tap water - it's in horrendous taste and entirely transparent.

If anyone should be up in arms it's the Nintendo crowd. The Wii hasn't gotten anything noteworthy from SE despite conquering Japan quite easily and their best effort's been MIA for over 12 months. Stangely enough, they're not the ones in here seething with "serves them right" comments and half-assed justifications.

I don't see where I said that the PS3 was 'tearing up the charts'.  The trolling is you saying someone said that 'it serves them right for not making PS3 exclusives' when no one said that or anything near that.  You must have been foaming at the mouth to make a statement about how bad the PS3 is doing in JP, and the 360 is doing even worse.  So why not make a multi-plat game instead of making an exclusive game for the XBOX 360 which is still well under 1 million units in JP sold.

Like I said, please check your PS3 hate, and smart-ass remarks at the door.  Thank you.


No one ever implied that you said that; it must be your kneejerk reaction to Sony's position. Stating reality is not trolling; it's simply a fact of life that the PS3 isn't doing that much better than the 360 in Japan. If you consider it trolling then you're going to have a rough time getting through this generation.

And of course people are slamming SE for not making PS3 exclusives. They've been saying similar things ever since FF13 went multiplat and a lot of Sony fanboys suicided. They're fanboys after all. Let's not start pretending that they have integrity. It's no secret why Square Enix became public enemy #1 overnight.

Finally, I ask, what games should they make multiplat? Infinite Undiscovery is Microsoft's IP so that's impossible. The Last Remnant is multiplat, just timed exclusive. Star Ocean 4 is made by tri-Ace, who aren't big enough to make a multiplat game, never have, and don't look like they will in the near future. There's nothing else announced for the 360...of those 3 games, only one of them was made in-house (TLR), and it's the one that's multiplatform. On the contrary, PS3 has not one, but two exclusive FF13 games in Japan. So it seems to me that SE is keeping up their end of the multiplat deal...for 360 games, at least. Versus still needs to go multiplat for all to be right.

So please check your Sony fanboyism, and smart-ass remarks at the door. Thank you.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

SpartanFX said:

"The seismic effects of market shifts and economic gloom in combination with a rather short release list have made a significant impact for Square Enix. In 2007, twenty-two releases spread across five systems (DS, PSP, PS2, Wii, 360) added up to a shockingly huge 6.4 million units sold.

In contrast, Square Enix's 2008 effort of ten releases across four systems (DS, PSP, Wii, 360) resulted in a far lesser 1.7 million units sold.* This is a 4.5 million unit difference and is a eye-popping 73.81% decline from 2007."


[NDS] Dragon Quest IV - (1,201,771)
[PSP] Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - (753,939)
[NDS] Final Fantasy IV - (612,044)
[NDS] Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings - (524,009)
[Wii] Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors - (486,222)
[NDS] Itadaki Street DS - (413,537)
[NDS] Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fate - (389,845)
[PS2] Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix+ - (337,091)
[PSP] Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions - (301,796)
[NDS] Final Fantasy Tactics A2: The Sealed Grimoire - (287,871)
[PSP] Star Ocean 1 First Departure - (204,996)
[NDS] Subarashiki Kono Sekai: It's a Wonderful World - (192,955)
[PS2] Final Fantasy XII International Zodiac Job System - (137,040)
[PSP] Final Fantasy Anniversary Edition - (124,839)
[NDS] Heroes of Mana - (98,566)
[PS2] Final Fantasy XI: Wings of the Goddess expansion data disk - (95,576)
[PSP] Final Fantasy II Anniversary Edition - (78,057)
[Wii] Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon: The Labyrinth of Lost Time - (72,710)
[NDS] Front Mission - (57,153)
[PS2] Final Fantasy X International (ULTIMATE) - (47,676)
[360] Final Fantasy XI: Wings of the Goddess expansion data disk - (15,379)
[360] Final Fantasy XI: Vana'diel Collection - (3,212)
TOTAL - (6,436,284)

[NDS] Dragon Quest V - (1,152,229)
[PSP] Star Ocean: Second Evolution - (141,218)
[NDS] Valkyrie Profile: The Accused One - (118,374)
[360] Infinite Undiscovery - (96,197)
[NDS] Cid and Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon: The Labyrinth of Lost Time DS+ - (46,362)
[NDS] Sigma Harmonics - (42,552)
[NDS] Nanashi no Game (The Game with no Name) - (41,481)
[NDS] Front Mission 2089: Border of Madness - (32,917)
[Wii] Soul Eater: Monotone Princess - (8,198)
[NDS] DS Bookkeeping, Level 3 - (6,044)
TOTAL - (1,685,572)



0 PS3 games and 1 Wii game


btw infinitie undiscovery for 360 is over tracked or are these figures Japan only?(the game has shipped  96K we have 345K sold to customers.)





 0 PS3 games and 1 Wii game....errr...1 360 game as well...and ALOT less games.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

Oyvoyvoyv said:
Smashed said:
msnolp said:
So who think FXIII will sold more on 360 than ps3.
for me is 360 because of its awesome user base.


Oh god.. Your kidding right? Firstly, FFXIII is an exclusive in Japan, where the game matters most. Secondly, it's been in the Playstation franchise for a long time, I can CONFIRM that it will for a fact sell better on PS3 because of those 2 reasons, quote me on it.


 I'm fairly certain he means excluding Japan.

Out of Japan, I don't really know. FF is pretty small in Others (big, but nowhere as big as in Americas/Japan). It will definately sell more on 360 in Americas. I think that the Others total will be short off 2M (combined), with a 66/33 split (favouring the Ps3). Can the 360 outsell the Ps3 version by more than that in Americas? Maybe.


Final Fantasy selling "good" in north america for 360? I just don't see it happening.