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DMeisterJ said:
ClaudeLv250 said:

ROFFLE. You must be on the verge of rage at the PS3 numbers if you honestly believe that acknowledging that it's not tearing up the charts is considered 'trolling.' SE has yet to release any of their games exclusively for 360: IU is Microsoft's IP and The Last Remnant is only timed exclusive. So don't come in here with this "we just want equal treatment" bullshit when most of the people pissing all over SE in this thread were the main ones slamming IU and TLR in their respective threads. That act is like tap water - it's in horrendous taste and entirely transparent.

If anyone should be up in arms it's the Nintendo crowd. The Wii hasn't gotten anything noteworthy from SE despite conquering Japan quite easily and their best effort's been MIA for over 12 months. Stangely enough, they're not the ones in here seething with "serves them right" comments and half-assed justifications.

I don't see where I said that the PS3 was 'tearing up the charts'.  The trolling is you saying someone said that 'it serves them right for not making PS3 exclusives' when no one said that or anything near that.  You must have been foaming at the mouth to make a statement about how bad the PS3 is doing in JP, and the 360 is doing even worse.  So why not make a multi-plat game instead of making an exclusive game for the XBOX 360 which is still well under 1 million units in JP sold.

Like I said, please check your PS3 hate, and smart-ass remarks at the door.  Thank you.


No one ever implied that you said that; it must be your kneejerk reaction to Sony's position. Stating reality is not trolling; it's simply a fact of life that the PS3 isn't doing that much better than the 360 in Japan. If you consider it trolling then you're going to have a rough time getting through this generation.

And of course people are slamming SE for not making PS3 exclusives. They've been saying similar things ever since FF13 went multiplat and a lot of Sony fanboys suicided. They're fanboys after all. Let's not start pretending that they have integrity. It's no secret why Square Enix became public enemy #1 overnight.

Finally, I ask, what games should they make multiplat? Infinite Undiscovery is Microsoft's IP so that's impossible. The Last Remnant is multiplat, just timed exclusive. Star Ocean 4 is made by tri-Ace, who aren't big enough to make a multiplat game, never have, and don't look like they will in the near future. There's nothing else announced for the 360...of those 3 games, only one of them was made in-house (TLR), and it's the one that's multiplatform. On the contrary, PS3 has not one, but two exclusive FF13 games in Japan. So it seems to me that SE is keeping up their end of the multiplat deal...for 360 games, at least. Versus still needs to go multiplat for all to be right.

So please check your Sony fanboyism, and smart-ass remarks at the door. Thank you.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"