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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Blockbuster may be sony's answer to netflix?

@ssj12: What is stopping Sony from creating their own subscription service? What is stopping Walmart from introducing a subscription service and then partnering with Sony? What is stopping BurgerKing from doing so?

Because they have no announced plans to offer such a service. Even this article, which is promoting a rumor that Blockbuster and Sony might have a partnership to stream video's, they directly mention the Blockbuster Ondemand service. I linked to what that service offers. Nowhere does it offer a subscription service.

If we're going to discuss the article, it would be best we kept to what the article outlines instead of what we'd like to imagine the article to read.

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Makes sense. With the netflix move Blockbuster needs an ally vs Netflix... which is already one of their bigger threats.

Didn't know they had a streaming service though.

They're busy playing catchup to Netflix buisness model, hoping enough people don't adopt before they get their game going.

I don't even think Sony should create their own service. To be effective and not loose money on the venture, they would probably need a subscription service that reaches outside of just the interested PS3 userbase. That means they'd have to go all in. That is not likely for a company that already tried digital distribution on a wide scale with Sony Connect and failed at it.

Unless there is a contract between Microsoft and Netflix (which there could be, I don't know), Sony should offer Netflix. It's as simple as that. Netflix already offers the service and it works extremely well. Why reinvent the wheel?

noslodecoy said:
@ssj12: What is stopping Sony from creating their own subscription service? What is stopping Walmart from introducing a subscription service and then partnering with Sony? What is stopping BurgerKing from doing so?

Because they have no announced plans to offer such a service. Even this article, which is promoting a rumor that Blockbuster and Sony might have a partnership to stream video's, they directly mention the Blockbuster Ondemand service. I linked to what that service offers. Nowhere does it offer a subscription service.

If we're going to discuss the article, it would be best we kept to what the article outlines instead of what we'd like to imagine the article to read.


 burkerking is gonna have a subscription service?!!!! how much does it cost, cuz i would love unlimited burgers!!

/end derail


sounds decent. psn is good enough though, just tweak it some...add a subscription service (lol) and its good to go. but if you must get blockbuster then w/e floats their boat. its not like its going to hurt them any

Its always next year with Sony will home be out then or still beta testing with 5 users?????

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netflix has 12000 titles, but most are standard def and older. Blockbuster on the other hand will have better quality, with more new releases... but you have to watch the movie within 24 hours, it's pay as you go and they'll have fewer titles.

Both have pros and cons, but I like netflix set-up a little more because I can always get the newest releases via mail.

This would be useless. The PS Store already has this exact same distabution method. Partenering with Blockbuster is a waste for Sony. All this would do is take away some of the profit, and put it in BB's pocket.

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Kevyn B Grams


It's funny, I was just talking about this yesterday. OMG, Blockbuster is spying on me and stealing my good ideas! LOL jk


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