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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Littlebigplanet = LittlebigFlop

i love it though i been hooked to it =)

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what a flop

I also find it funny how the article is comparing its sales to shooter sales, which we all know sell well this gen, whether it is a bad game or a good game.

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kutasek said:
sega4life said:
kutasek said:
It's quite too biased, to take it seriously. Sure LBP didn't do as much as i like too, but calling it flop, is crap.


are you serious?

For the (hype) surrounding this game, not to mention the endless "Will be huge" posts and sig, sigs. (not just on this site)

It can be easily considered a flop.


So we judge the success of a game, based on someone's sigs and posts. If Little Big Planet, is flop, than what the hell is Banjo.

a flop. Just like littlebigplanet. comparing a flop to a bigger flop doesnt help your case much






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Ari_Gold said:
what a flop


*Looks at Banjo sales*

Hmmm... what comes before flop?

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Anyone calling a game that wasn't big budget, made by a team that has just 50 people, started out much smaller than 50 people in a studio located above a toilet store that sold almost 1M so far needs to seriously recheck what the term "Flop" means.

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Why do I have the feeling this is going to end up the way the whole "Uncharted flopped" scenario did?

If so, many people should do themselves a favor and keep ill informed opinions to themselves.

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Let us check some recent sales so far this year and go with the "popular opinion" here.

Lost Odyssey - Flop
Last Remnant - Flop
Banjo - Flop
Too Human - Flop (Game was supposed to "Change the World")
Tales of Vesperia - Flop
Infinite Undiscovery - Flop

Anything I missed?

I do not think these games are all flops, but it only seems fair seeing as how all these games more than likely cost more to develop than LBP did. Not to mention sold less.

Only games on that list released in the same period of time as LBP are Banjo and The Last Remnant, both only around 20% of LBP sales. Both games will be lucky to get LTD sales equal to half of LBP current sales.

Seriously, it is sad that people believe the only meaning of "success" is 2-3M+ sales. They could not be more wrong.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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I think its simple - its new IP - it will take 2 or 3 sequels to really get this series to have the pull of Mario or Halo and the like. It has potential

Check the sig.

Also LBP did 100-200k in UK alone in 2.5 weeks. Don't rule out undertracking since UK is about 25% of Europe and that would mean 400k low side of things and Vgchartz has it at 310k