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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Littlebigplanet = LittlebigFlop

jesus kung fu magic said:
ceaser92 said:
banjo was highly hyphed and what did it sell, did it even sell half of LBP i dont think so
and left 4 dead what did that sell, not to mention too human

banjo came after lbp , too human your right on that but left 4 dead just came out it will outsell lbp



I am pretty sure Left4Dead 1st week sales are lower than that of LBP 1st week sales, so how can you assume it will outsell it?

Same for Banjo, 1st week sales are not even close, even with the fact the game costs $40 compared to LBP at $60. Once again, is it going to somehow outsell it as well? This actually makes Banjo look even worse, where is the article for that game?

He was right on all 3 if people want to use the same term "Flop" for LBP. Read the threads where people consider L4D as a GOTY candidate. People had high hopes for both of these games. Not all of course, but some did.

If people want to start throwing the term "Flop" around, I suggest they do it fairly and stop with the pick and choose scenario.

I know people here like to consider "Lost Odyssey" to not be a flop, but with how people are acting these days how could it not be considered a flop as well? How many have said "Lost Odyssey is the BEST RPG this gen"? Best of it's kind this gen, just like LBP, out 8 months longer, lower LTD sales, Flop anyone? Oh yeah, it cost more to make too.

What a fun thread.

Just to make it clear Jman, this entire post is not aimed at you. Only the discussion on L4D and Banjo sales.

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Cthulhu said:
...ok let me make a guess. About 75% of the gamers are completly uninformed. They dont know about what it comes, they dont follow hypes, they dont know about sales, they dont have a clue in other words.

All my friends around my age (around 30) have PS3's. All they know is Gran Tourismo, Pro evo and emmm....hmm not sure. They pick games by looking the box art. Ofcourse they didnt knew about the existance of LBP, they saw it first time at my place. They love it now.

So give this "LittlebigFlop" some time.

PS: Not everyone buys a game on day 1, last week one colleague of mine came happy in the office one morning tellin me that he got an amazing new PS3 game. He was very exited, I said what you got? And he replied: HAZE!

LOL @ the uninformed.

 I agree wholeheartedly,  except I take offense to your last comment.  This might seem like a rant but it genuinely disturbs me when people make fun of others simply for what they like or not.


There is "nothing" wrong with haze except that it is a bit generic. All shooters are typically the same anyway (IMHO). There are no game breaking bugs in Haze as far as I know. People were disappointed because it is an exclusive and reviewers have high hopes for exclusives.

I haven't played it myself but my friends have told me that they liked it.  Don't belittle others that may not have the same experience as you in playing games. The first time you play something you really like typically stays with you.  I "really" liked final fantasy tactics the first time I played it because it had an epic story and I was surprised that it was so mature. I was just lucky that a lot of people think this way but if someone had made fun of my enjoyment I would not have liked it.

 A game is good or bad not because someone says its good or bad but because  you enjoy playing it or don't. "LOL @ the uninformed" makes NO SENSE.

I shouldn't enjoy/like a game simply because you did not happen to like it?




sapient are you really trying to compare tactics with haze by saying that it was great because it was your first game you really liked?????

frybread said:
Dumb article.

How would 25,000 beta keys account for LBP not selling 1,000,000 copies?

LBP is a flop, but not because of a demo.



how may i ask is LBP a flop?



theprof00 said:
sapient are you really trying to compare tactics with haze by saying that it was great because it was your first game you really liked?????



My point was, it was the first game of its kind that I had played so it has been my favorite. When I play other similar games like Disgaea, Fire Emblem, Shining force I am less impressed. I guess I am a bit jaded now.

Most people who have not played a lot of shooters might like Haze a lot. It is only after playing so many that have come the past few years that you look at haze and think "meh" same old stuff.



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well, yeah I understand, but honestly tactics was great. It has nothing to do with that kind of situation, the game is very literally better than most games ever made.

:) Thats "our" opinion. I have several friends who dislike SRPGs in general (because of their slower pace) and did not enjoy tactics when I loaned it to them.


axumblade said:
leo-j said:
frybread said:
Dumb article.

How would 25,000 beta keys account for LBP not selling 1,000,000 copies?

LBP is a flop, but not because of a demo.



how may i ask is LBP a flop?

I'll give you a hint, LBP is not incorporated to something in his avatar. Otherwise, he'd praise the game and say that it will have amazing legs despite not hitting a million its first week.


Oh Snap. LBP FTW, haters be damned, Jealous you can't play such a great game.

reask said:
I was watching the toy show Friday on TV in Ireland, it is on every year.

Anyway this teenager was playing 360 and ps3 games.

Scene it was the 360 game LPB was the ps3 game.

when the presenter asked the kid what she thought she said scene it was good fun.

When he asked about LPB she said it was the most fun she had all year with any game.

So I suppose sales are not everything.


Sales are not over. 

And because the game is good, sales will be, too.

Can we end this thread please? Hype, etc. is irrelevant. LTD sales (using this site) are as I type is at 850,000 K and doesn't even have Week 4 Others sales up yet. Unless it just stops selling its clearly going to clear 1M plus with no trouble.

I'd say anyone just jumping in to go 'oh, and LBP is a FLOP' is just Trolling as there's no way with those sales already you can remotely judge the game to have flopped based on any conventional judgment of its sales vs other PS3 titles.

Now, if people want to talk about how its sales may be disappointing based on Sony's comments prior to launch, etc. then that's fine. But simple 'It's a FLOP' with nothing to justify it is simply wasting everyone's time.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...