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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Littlebigplanet = LittlebigFlop

You know, I can't help wondering why there's such a sense of nasty gloating around LBP sales. I presume it started focused on over-enthusiastic people who started proclaiming it would be the biggest thing ever... a response I can understand to an extent as the 'LBP will be HUGE' stuff got old fast.

But now I feel this is being passed directly on to the game itself and by extension its developers, Media Molecule which is just plain shameful and frankly I don't understand it at all.  It's as if people would rather such titles are stifled in favour of yet another generic release with a number in the title, or feel they have to attack without reason anything they see as being on 'the opposing' console... a state of mind which is plain nuts.

A small developer has brought out a very good game, its got great reviews, and its sold well for what it is, it's not a bad game, the developers aren't some souless conglomerate giant, and the title was clearly made with passion to be fun and inspire creativity.

Besides, its clearly going to sell a million within a short period of time and get more than acceptable LTD sales.  If LBP is a flop based on sales then take a look at how many other games must also be 'flops' then.  It's going to sell well, its reviewed brilliantly, and that's all there is to it in the end.



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haha, it is going to be tough to argue, that is why it shouldn't be an argument in the first place. :P

It did well, maybe it will do better in the future, none of us can really know without a doubt whether this game was a flop or a success judging by anecdotal standards. (I say so because we have some pretty high standards here at VGC)

If we were to use historical standards of semi-niche platform games in their first iteration, well, I don't know what the trend would be and I'm too lazy to look it up. But, from quick thoughts of Banjo 1, super mario 1, spyro and crash, it isn't doing as well as it could be doing.

But from what I can tell, this made a boatload of money already and I'm sure it already has a bunch of lifetime franchise fans already, and that is all you can really ask for in any successful game: fanbase.

leo-j said:


Well yes sales wise GTA IV, and Halo 3 wont be cought by MGS4, that is true, as for gaming experience I can say MGS4 is by far a greater experience than both those games "combined"imo.

As for LBP, I wouldnt say its a flop considerirng its sales are increasing from last week, and its selling 100k+ a week, if this trend were to continue, it should hit 2 million maybe 3 by the end of the year imo.


 Yeah, if watching movies broken up by occasional gameplay qualifies as a "great gameplay experience..."

I got turned off this game by the horrible brown wooly fabric they used for Sackboy. Reminds me of some sort of home made teddy bear for 2 year olds.

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banjo was highly hyphed and what did it sell, did it even sell half of LBP i dont think so
and left 4 dead what did that sell, not to mention too human

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ceaser92 said:
banjo was highly hyphed and what did it sell, did it even sell half of LBP i dont think so
and left 4 dead what did that sell, not to mention too human

banjo came after lbp , too human your right on that but left 4 dead just came out it will outsell lbp


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Resident_Hazard said:
leo-j said:


Well yes sales wise GTA IV, and Halo 3 wont be cought by MGS4, that is true, as for gaming experience I can say MGS4 is by far a greater experience than both those games "combined"imo.

As for LBP, I wouldnt say its a flop considerirng its sales are increasing from last week, and its selling 100k+ a week, if this trend were to continue, it should hit 2 million maybe 3 by the end of the year imo.


 Yeah, if watching movies broken up by occasional gameplay qualifies as a "great gameplay experience..."

haha cred=gone

Allgameconsoles said:
The game is a flop. To annoying and irritating for children. The reviews where paid for by advertising dollars to Gamspot, IGn , ETC and the comment sites like would just delete any negative comment leaving only positive one's.

The controls are bad and the word is out. People arent getting tricked into HYPE as much anymore. The forums are fixed and people are catching on.

Its also way to short and most user generated material doesnt work right and isnt that fun which limite the game play value to about 1 day.

Am I wrong to say that it is safe to assume this one here has never touched the game? LOL!

I also agree with Reasonable's entire post. Indeed, it is sad that people are wasting so much of their time attacking what is a wonderful game, bitching "Sony fans this" "Sony fans that", yet I do not see these "Sony fans" making threads attacking Banjo, Left4Dead, Last Remnant, Infinite Undiscovery, Tales of Vesperia, etc...

This LBP hate has been going on for over a month now and to be honest, it is getting fucking old.

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ceaser92 said:
banjo was highly hyphed and what did it sell, did it even sell half of LBP i dont think so
and left 4 dead what did that sell, not to mention too human



I'll be the first to say I thought left 4 dead sales were underwelming.  I never gave banjo much hope.

Dumb article.

How would 25,000 beta keys account for LBP not selling 1,000,000 copies?

LBP is a flop, but not because of a demo.

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