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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Littlebigplanet = LittlebigFlop

I can't agree that a game as rich and enjoyable as littlebigplanet can ever be considered a "flop". Such thinking only encourages more generations of mindless first-person-shooters. The gaming industry needs daring thinking like what sony did with LittleBigPlanet.

LittleBigPlanet isn't a flop, its nearly at 1 million units and is one of the best games this generation. Plain and simple.

Why must JRPG female leads suck so bad?

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WessleWoggle said:
perpride said:
Who gives a flying fuck if people here were predicting 10 million sales first day!

I don't give a fluck about the sales predictions, but they said it was going to be huge. It was normal. FLOP!!!




They? Who the hell is they? Are you seriousley making the argument that this game is a flop because people on these forums said it was going to be "huge"? Could you define huge for me? Cause LBP is fucking's the best platformer I have played since Super Mario World.

I was watching the toy show Friday on TV in Ireland, it is on every year.

Anyway this teenager was playing 360 and ps3 games.

Scene it was the 360 game LPB was the ps3 game.

when the presenter asked the kid what she thought she said scene it was good fun.

When he asked about LPB she said it was the most fun she had all year with any game.

So I suppose sales are not everything.





theprof00 said:
Ender said:
Flop is harsh, but given the marketing push behind LBP I'm sure Sony is disappointed with the results.

I don't know about this. I still have not seen a LBP commercial. Sony said they would get behind it once they saw how well it did. I do not recall seeing anything related to how much they spent on an ad campaign, nor did I see any huge "to-do's". If you can show this marketing push, I'm sure it will make a much better argument for the "pro-flop" side of the argument, but nobody has this figure, and the only stuff I have seen that even resembles a "marketing push" is a bunch of press releases that got popularized by this and many other gaming sites.





huge advertisemen on the walls of the Leipzig Game Convention, big sections of their stand devoted to it.

Billboards in the train stations and the public transport stops over here

Advertizing on the tv (the one with people watching in slowmotion where games are shown in a reflection in the mirror, a puddle or a window)

Advertizing separately for LBP on tv too

No idea where you live, but that game got pushed quite decently in ads.

papflesje said:
theprof00 said:
Ender said:
Flop is harsh, but given the marketing push behind LBP I'm sure Sony is disappointed with the results.

I don't know about this. I still have not seen a LBP commercial. Sony said they would get behind it once they saw how well it did. I do not recall seeing anything related to how much they spent on an ad campaign, nor did I see any huge "to-do's". If you can show this marketing push, I'm sure it will make a much better argument for the "pro-flop" side of the argument, but nobody has this figure, and the only stuff I have seen that even resembles a "marketing push" is a bunch of press releases that got popularized by this and many other gaming sites.





huge advertisemen on the walls of the Leipzig Game Convention, big sections of their stand devoted to it.
Devoting big sections of their stand to LBP did not in any way hurt. If they had sacrificed advertising space for a more worthwile game, then I would agree with you, but as far as I can tell, that is just about as free of advertising as you can get. I mean, they are going to be at LGC regardless of what they are trying to push, why not LBP? The answer is simple, because it is a good game and more deserving of attention than other first-party games.

Billboards in the train stations and the public transport stops over here
I'm not sure how much you think it costs to advertise in Public transportation, but it is one of the cheapest forms of advertisement FYI.

Advertizing on the tv (the one with people watching in slowmotion where games are shown in a reflection in the mirror, a puddle or a window)
That is an advertisement for the PS3, and does not even mention the LBP name.

Advertizing separately for LBP on tv too
See, this I have not seen, I have seen all the other examples except this one. If this is true then I guess it really depends on how much they actually spent, which I have already brought up, and what you have still not shown.
FTR: I have seen more Gears2, Fable2, Wii music, ads than ANY PS3 game ads, especially LBP, which I have not seen any.

If this is a lot of marketing, then what is Wii music getting? I'm sure a BILLION dollar campaign if I were to follow this kind of logic. I've seen that commercial about 60 times in the last 2 weeks.

No idea where you live, but that game got pushed quite decently in ads.

Also you used the word decently. I don't even think decently fits, but even your choice of words defies the whole contextual argument that there was a HUGE amount of advertising.



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Well, compared to other titles on tv and around my city, LBP was advertized HUGELY, since the only other game I sometimes saw were SMG and WiiMusic. (until recently, when PSP advertizing and Motorstorm2 came into the fray as well)

to agree with you there, I have seen a few psp and MS2 ads, and even two of the new ps3 commercials.
Where do you live that they are still adverting SMG? :P



It's going to be tough to argue with you on this point. All I can say is I saw Sony push this title more than any other this holiday season. I tried to find some actually marketing budget figures, but I couldn't.

FWIW, I think calling LBP a flop is over the top. My only point is - I believe Sony thought this title was more then a niche market and is disappointed with the sales results. But again, flop is too harsh.

Cypher1980 said:
LBP was a flop.

Its OK it was a risky niche product, it was never going to be a system seller.

I feel a bit sorry for the DEVS and actually wish it had done better, as it will now just encourage lazy hollywood style sequels.

Sony seem to be slowly backing away from the product after the pre launch hype which really cant make the boys at Media Molecule feel good.

Sony is backing away from the product? Do you have a source for this statement?

Why do you use the word "was" as if LBP sales greatness can only be measured in the past tense of its launch window? LBP has sold 850k copies in five weeks for a platform with only 17m consoles in homes!

Lets use Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction as a benchmark: LittleBIGPlanet is already over halfway to R&CF:ToD in total sales, despite not having any of R&C's brand recognition. Thus far it has matched R&C's attach rate relative to the install base for the console for the same period last year. Through five weeks, LBP is seeing a near 3:1 advantage in sales on 3x the install base against R&C's October debut in 2007. (~318k units sold on 6m consoles first month for R&C vs ~802k units sold on 17m consoles first month for LBP, and LBP's sales data is incomplete).

Additionally, LBP is a game that will see its sales engine built on word of mouth and in-store demos. I don't know what to say about anybody that thought this was going to sell millions of copies at launch, but it WILL sell millions of copies over the lifetime of the system. To call it a flop after five weeks is incredibly short sighted.

@ theprof: Belgium.

SMG, WiiMusic, even Mario and sonic at the olympic games for the DS...