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Forums - Sony Discussion - SCREW CAPCOM & SF2!!!

I love SF and enjoy getting my ass handed to me on a regular basis. It just keeps me coming back for more with a smile on my face. Thank you Capcom. @ EvilChronos......Dude, lighten up, (it's a game, and one of the greatest of all time). Keep trying, you will beat it.

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Shin Akuma is always like that.

But if you really want to get upset, go play a KOF game and fight one of those cheap ass bitch bosses.

'Its always easy' generation meets remake of older 'it will be hard' game. Just suck it up and try again. Thats what you usually had to do with snes games always anyway. :D
(Battletoads on snes... Oh, its painful even to think about that game...)

EvilChronos said:

Capcom has just become my most hated game company! They have pissed me off to the point to were I think imma say FUCK resident evil 5!

I was playing through the ps3 version with akuma on easy to just get the feel for him and I got to the boss wich is supposed to be M Bison without loosing a single match. Well then a white hair akuma pops outta mine and beats up M Bison and then challenges me. I thought "wow that was cool" and then the match starts. I find out quickly that he throws 2 fire balls in the air for my 1. His sweep is 2 times the distance of mines. He DOES NOT charge his fire ball for as long as mine does so he throws out more and o yea, he can tele the entire distance of the stage and he can also do an upper cut right after a kick to my head while still being in the air... So I fight him like 20 times and get him to half life at the most and this crap is on EASY.

Iam not the best at street fighter but nor am I the worst. Iam some were in the middle. How ever no matter what stradegy I used Akuma has a counter to everything and its on easy... So Iam now saying fuck capcom and fuck super street fighter 2 turbo hd remix cause capcom has NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT THEY ARE DOING!

I had such high hopes for this game but it boils down to the fact that this game is fucking retarded and they have completly ruined street fighter.

PS: If anyone logs on here and says they beat the game with akuma there is a 99% chance they are lying out of there ass and should no longer be trusted if they were before!

I'm going to assume this is your first time playing this game. I don't think you ever played Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo before, because if you did you would know the game was like this. I bought this game to get my ass whooped by Shin Akuma. Me and my friends all took turns trying to beat him the other night, although no one did it was fun. Maybe you are used to easy games, but when this game came out in the early 90's there were guys that could beat Shin Akuma without getting hit much. I can at least win a round against him but using a 360 d-pad kills your accuracy for moves. I can't imagine you paying 25 to 50 cents at a time to play this game. You might have tried to sue Capcom for the many dollars you spent getting beat up.


Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


Super street fighter 2 HD remix is indeed a fairly easy game.......... Until you fight shin akuma, it took me many tires to beat akuma and finally get that akuma is in another castle achievement, but apart from shin akuma been insanely diffucult to beat the rest of the game is TOP NOTCH 10/10 for me.

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dude u suck major ass

PUSSY!!!!!!!!! Shin Gouki is a easy. Only his invincable shryu to worry bout. Try 2 Bisons with infinite super gauges on Alpha 3 DC. Which is after a two versus one of Gouki and E Ryu. I fluked a perfect but usually ur dead if u get hit once


just because you suck at a game dont flame the company or the game
capcom gave us street fighter, re, and dmc

Soriku said:
lol WOW. I know people get pissed about games...but...just WOW.

=p I am pretty sure you feel like that alot aswell or do I have to open another KH3 thread on PS3?

I can feel your frustration easy in those threads.


lawl you suck