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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Resident Evil creator "probably won't play" Resident Evil 5

@NJ5: maybe, but people should complain when they have a real reason to. It's RE, the quality of the game will probably be top notch, the story is sure to be intriguing and polsihed (as was that of RE4) and the graphics are excelent.
It just seems to me like people, for some reason, are making a load of bs comments and are really bashing a game which will probably be great for, without any solid reasons. But thats just me...


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I only sense Jealousy from Mikami, Im glad his not directing RE5, he would only make simple puzzles.

GLoRySoGLoRy said:
I only sense Jealousy from Mikami, Im glad his not directing RE5, he would only make simple puzzles.


You cannot be serious.

RE4 still retained the Survival Horror elements it was scary (not as REMake) but it had a quality control scheme , story and action elements. Now RE5 looks like RE is going to become purely a shooter with little puzzle and survival elements, if its a shooter with Zombies instead of aliens etc. etc. etc. then im not suprised traditional fans are not very interested.

I still think it will be a quality game.

It's not 'more shootery'.

It's as shootery as RE4 was. People loved that game. >_>

Lots of people are spewing RE hate because of the negative comments made about this game coming to the Wii, IMO. If this were a Wii exclusive game, I'm sure we'd hear nothing but good news about it. Now it's 'just another shooter'. Even though you can't move and shoot at the same time :S

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CGI-Quality said:
Seriously, Resident Evil is now a shooter, that's really wack to me. RE 1,2,3, Code Veronica, RE Remake, RE 0, and Umbrella Chronicles, these were the best games in the series!!!


RE4 wasn't much of a horror game, but you could make a very strong argument for it being much better than all of the games you listed.

....Also it's pretty clear you never played Umbrella Chronicles if you're whining about "shooters".


Now I'm wonder if you were just trolling.

This is going to keep me up for days.

Brought a smile to my face, seriously.

So glad to see the RE creator despising and hating and feeling really sad for what they did to his franchise just like me.

Okay, maybe not that much :(, but he should

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"

Theres nothing wrong with RE 5, its very similar to RE 4.

Back in the days the biggest complains about RE were always the fixed camera angels and clunky shooting mechanics, they fixed it, and ppl still complain(mostly die hard RE fans)

now its ok for those fans cuz they have a right to give their opinion, but now every wii fanboy is is jumping on the RE5 hate bandwagon.

Ironically when RE 4 was released for the GC all those fanboys praised its new style, but now they dont get RE5 and all of the sudden they want the "old RE ' back.

really pathetic

mikami is a douche

if you dont want to see it the way you woulndt have made it...then you should have made it!!

instead hes making a stupid game called dissapointed....


i do like the older REs alot more but hes still a douche for not carig for the games hes created sequels

DMeisterJ said:
It's not 'more shootery'.

It's as shootery as RE4 was. People loved that game. >_>

Lots of people are spewing RE hate because of the negative comments made about this game coming to the Wii, IMO. If this were a Wii exclusive game, I'm sure we'd hear nothing but good news about it. Now it's 'just another shooter'. Even though you can't move and shoot at the same time :S


 i didnt like RE4 and i am a fan of the series