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Forums - Sony Discussion - Who here is tired of 'Sony/PS3 IZ DOOMEDZ' threads?

I want a robot dog, a robot maid with nice legs, and a battery powered car that only has to be charged for a few minutes every 500 miles. I think Sony is in the best place to deliver these things.

Heavens to Murgatoids.

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hotrodx said:
I'm tired of "THE PS3 IS DOOMED" thread because it's like stating the obvious.


I kid. Seriously, I think people should give it a rest and just enjoy their games.

Sometime in the future, games like Gran Turismo or God of War will show up for the PS3 creating some boosts, and it'll be PS3 fans turn to say "360 IS TOAST". It's really an annoying cycle. But this must stop somehow.

Since the 360 leads in the HD battle, can we ask the 360 owners to be the first to exercise humility, and join the PS3 fans in just talking about what matters: enjoying your games. You reap what you sow. Just ignore Crazzyman, okay? (Sorry, Crazzy).

Cue in "Imagine" by John Lennon...

You don't understand that games have very little impact on sales. The price and the target market are the key to have good sales, see what X360 and Wii did. The only way Sony could increase its sales is a price cut, GT or GoW won't do anything but a 1 week boost in hardware.


I'm more tired of the damage control from Sony's squad myself.


perpride said:
Geb - So making PS3 is doomed threads is their way of getting back at Sony's PS3 tactics?


As mentioned earlier.. three quarters of the doomed threads were made by PS3 fanboys...

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


*~Onna76~* said:
-General_Ram- said:
well if ur pro-PS3 i can see why ud be tired.

However, as a pro 360 gamer who would like nothing more then to see a giant fall, im pretty pleased.

What good does it do to us in the end? Right, nothing! Nothing but discussions and hate towards each other only because of a stupid gaming platform. We don't get rich by all that, we only make ourselves like fools on websites to hate the living daylight out of one and another and by giving each other and mostly ourselves a headache and a high blood pressure. To be honest, I'd rather have fun and nice talks about games, no matter what platform. I think if we can just respect people's choices when it comes to gaming platforms we can also respect each other more and then this website would be a lot more friendly and most of all a fun place to visit and to post.


You also forget to mention that we, Wii owners, enjoy seeing pro 360 and pro PS3 fight for the (sales) crumbs.


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atma998 said:
hotrodx said:
I'm tired of "THE PS3 IS DOOMED" thread because it's like stating the obvious.


I kid. Seriously, I think people should give it a rest and just enjoy their games.

Sometime in the future, games like Gran Turismo or God of War will show up for the PS3 creating some boosts, and it'll be PS3 fans turn to say "360 IS TOAST". It's really an annoying cycle. But this must stop somehow.

Since the 360 leads in the HD battle, can we ask the 360 owners to be the first to exercise humility, and join the PS3 fans in just talking about what matters: enjoying your games. You reap what you sow. Just ignore Crazzyman, okay? (Sorry, Crazzy).

Cue in "Imagine" by John Lennon...

You don't understand that games have very little impact on sales. The price and the target market are the key to have good sales, see what X360 and Wii did. The only way Sony could increase its sales is a price cut, GT or GoW won't do anything but a 1 week boost in hardware.



This is very true, I'm a hardcore gamer, I only know of one other in my area. Everybody else I know who has a 360 only buy the softcore family games, and they brought a 360 or Wii for it. None of them has even heard about Killzone and most don't care. These hardcore games are great for the beginning of a consoles life, but can't be counted on to boost hardware sales after the initial rush. Only a price cut and some family friendly games can do that. 

They feel the same amount of fun or more can be had with less expensive hardware. One thing Microsoft did right this gen was make powerful scalable hardware that can go down in price faster then their competition. This huge holiday jolt in sales is only going to make things better for them because they will continue to make games for a more diverse demographic. 


atma998 said:
hotrodx said:
I'm tired of "THE PS3 IS DOOMED" thread because it's like stating the obvious.


I kid. Seriously, I think people should give it a rest and just enjoy their games.

Sometime in the future, games like Gran Turismo or God of War will show up for the PS3 creating some boosts, and it'll be PS3 fans turn to say "360 IS TOAST". It's really an annoying cycle. But this must stop somehow.

Since the 360 leads in the HD battle, can we ask the 360 owners to be the first to exercise humility, and join the PS3 fans in just talking about what matters: enjoying your games. You reap what you sow. Just ignore Crazzyman, okay? (So rry, Crazzy).

Cue in "Imagine" by John Lennon...

You don't understand that games have very little impact on sales. The price and the target market are the key to have good sales, see what X360 and Wii did. The only way Sony could increase its sales is a price cut, GT or GoW won't do anything but a 1 week boost in hardware.


Oh, it's just an example. It's not the only way the PS3 can get some boost. But big games in the past do boost sales (MGS4 for example), and good scheduling of releases can help maintain good sales (and some luck that it's the lull moment on the opposing console).

I mean, look at it when MGS4 was released. While the 360 still had a healthy lead, people had some feeling that the PS3 was turning the tide. And the PS3 actually outsold the 360 in the first half of the year, only to be undone by Microsoft's pricecut and unbelieavable luck that the bad economy is actually helping them. I thought the lucky leprechaun was in Boston. It turned out to be in Redmond.



Proud member of the Sonic Support Squad.

hotrodx said:
atma998 said:
hotrodx said:
I'm tired of "THE PS3 IS DOOMED" thread because it's like stating the obvious.


I kid. Seriously, I think people should give it a rest and just enjoy their games.

Sometime in the future, games like Gran Turismo or God of War will show up for the PS3 creating some boosts, and it'll be PS3 fans turn to say "360 IS TOAST". It's really an annoying cycle. But this must stop somehow.

Since the 360 leads in the HD battle, can we ask the 360 owners to be the first to exercise humility, and join the PS3 fans in just talking about what matters: enjoying your games. You reap what you sow. Just ignore Crazzyman, okay? (So rry, Crazzy).

Cue in "Imagine" by John Lennon...

You don't understand that games have very little impact on sales. The price and the target market are the key to have good sales, see what X360 and Wii did. The only way Sony could increase its sales is a price cut, GT or GoW won't do anything but a 1 week boost in hardware.


Oh, it's just an example. It's not the only way the PS3 can get some boost. But big games in the past do boost sales (MGS4 for example), and good scheduling of releases can help maintain good sales (and some luck that it's the lull moment on the opposing console).

I mean, look at it when MGS4 was released. While the 360 still had a healthy lead, people had some feeling that the PS3 was turning the tide. And the PS3 actually outsold the 360 in the first half of the year, only to be undone by Microsoft's pricecut and unbelieavable luck that the bad economy is actually helping them. I thought the lucky leprechaun was in Boston. It turned out to be in Redmond.



MGS4 did only a one week boost of 160k on hardware, putting PS3 to 320k WW. The week after its release, sales returned to 160k WW.

As for the first half of the year PS3 outsold 360 by 30-40k weekly. Now 360 outsell PS3 by more than 200k this week. Luck doesn't have anything to do here.


No luck was involved here, this was just Microsoft having the right price at the right time with the right games. It was all very calculated.

Even while they were getting beat by the competition ww they said that they would be ahead of them by the holiday season.


SpartanFX said:

I mean yesterday I came to here and 10 out of 20 threads of the front page were about Sony or PS3 being dead within the next couple of months or so.


I understand that MS is now selling good but I don't remember PS3 fans making that many topics in the first 9 months of the year where PS3 was outselling 360.


All this aside ,now there are people suggesting that 360 is now the next Ps2, or PS3 is the next dream cast,....


I am tired of seeing this many  sony bashing threads,,,but there is nothing we can do about it.

so who here thinks that "ps3 is dead" threads are over done as of late?



P.S. this thread is intended for PS3 owners



360 next PS2, LOL. im tired of ppl overrating the 360 like its in first place like the PS2 was and the other systems where thousands of miles away. sony is too well established to go down without a fight. its going to take some time, but im confident sony will make a serious comback.

a lot of ppl don't relieze it but the 360 is selling almost the same rate as the original xbox. its been out for 3 years and despite its cheapest console being half the price of a ps3, its still barely outselling it, and maybe next year 360 beat the orignal xbox sales, which sold 28-30 million in 4 years, which of course isnt a good thing that it took this long despite all its momentium.

the PS2 sold 140+million, all the consoles combine reach half that number, which means that there is 70-80 million that hasn't brought a console yet, and this number doesn't include ppl who are new to gaming.

the ps2 destroyed the competition because it sold 120+ million more than 2nd place xbox, 360 is outselling the ps3 by about 6 million, i don't see why ppl are acting like its the end just by looking at these numbers