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Forums - Gaming Discussion - This Gen sucks....

bouzane said:
Two failed attempts at gaming PCs and the Gamecube 1.5 hardly cut it. This console generation is terrible so far but it's hardly fair to compare it to any other due to the fact that it isn't even half over yet. Even my favorite console generations had slow starts so it's not yet the time to complain.

Are you a PC gamer?

This generation rules. I had not owned 2 consoles in a generation since the SNES/genesis generation. The Wii is amazing and the best social console you could ever find. On the other side, you have the PS3/360 that both have a great library of games.

The only problem so far is that the RPG are not as good as last gen and that Square Enix seems to be dying.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


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supermario128 said:
Dgc1808 said:
I've enjoyed it so far.


So have I.


Me too.

A few things:

1. The Wii does have core games. People, however, are competitive, and like to compare the Wii to the 360, which has far more core games.

2. The PS3 does have good AAA games. It got them recently.

3. Microsoft is stealing exclusives because Sony is bleeding money and now refuses to pay 3rd party developers for anything. No one respects MS because they are "stealing." However, the real reason is that a lot of people hate microsoft and love sony.

4. When there is a decent game, people aren't happy about it because they are pissed that the game wasn't excellent, but they are even more pissed because opposing fanboys are going to give them hell about their rare exclusive not living up to expectations. See Resistance 2.

5. Some people are having fun with the Wii and admitting it. Some aren't. Some have never played the Wii, hate Nintendo, and are fanboys.

6. Games selling well without poor review scores are usually casual games. It's called generalizing and it's ignorant.

7. Kids talk about the 360, probably because you are in America, and hanging around 14-25 year old boys. They love the 360. Adults and small children love the Wii. Foriegners love the PS3. ;)

8. The PS3 isn't catching up with the 360. It was for a while, and everyone assumed it would pass the 360 soon. Now it is losing ground.

9. The DS will probably be one of the most successful consoles ever. It deserves it. The innovation, and the library are second to only the PS2, PC, and the SNES.

10. People are afraid of the Wii becasue it's making core game development less appealing, since it takes longer, costs more, and returns less.

11. People believe Nintendo forgot the hardcore because of E3 2008. Same reason people think Microsoft is "stealing" exclusives.

12. People are annoying snobbish elitists because people are immature. People have always been like this. You're just now realizing it because of the internet. I take comfort in the fact that I could best most of them in a fight of wits or brawn. When you're actually elite, it's pretty easy to be cool about it. ;D

I got banned last time I drunk-dialed the forum. I'm somehow a lot meaner when I'm drunk, lol.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


the only thing that sucks about this gen is that because of HD, games take longer to make and are more expensive. i feel bad when i go to buy just 3 games, it cost almost $200 dollars. then i feel bad cause i just spend a lot of money on a few games

leo-j said:
 Best gen so far imo, there are so many games, that I cant keep up, and Ive run out of money.

Same here friend, same here...


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This generation is awesome.

This gen has seen some great games and great systems. However the increased cost has meant PS3/360 are out of my league completely so that is bad. Online gaming I also hate. Its ruining it for me.

Manchester United 2008-09 Season - Trophies & Records

Barclays Premier League 2008-09: 1st // UEFA Champions League 2008-09: Finals (Yet To Play) // FIFA Club World Cup: Winners // UEFA Super Cup: Runners-up // FA Cup: Semi-Finals // League (Carling) Cup: Winners // FA (Charity) Community Shield: Winners
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Every next gen will suck more. Why? More complicated systems get more money you have to throw to make even small game. This means bad for small companies and good for bigger companies. Eventually your fate is to pay to see endless waves of self repeating sequels. You are supporting such a future right now! Have fun with your version LXXXVIII of some game or game with Mario who saves the princess again.

This has been the best gen for me far.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

KBG29 said:
I was all pumped up to come in and say how much better this gen has been than any other in the 15 years i've been gaming, but then I relized that the OP was just looking for trouble.


 What is the OP?

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