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Forums - Sony Discussion - From what i heard resistance 2 is best first person shooter this year.

@ Darc

Yeah, it's so sad too. Cause the campaign could have been very enjoyable if the AI didn't solely go for you. But they do, and it sucks. And it breaks the game, and breaks the reality.

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Yeah my roommate bought R2 over Left 4 Dead because he wanted a game with a solid single player campaign. He's wishing he bought Left 4 Dead now since he likes the multiplayer in R2 but not the single player. If it's possible I hope they patch the AI.

I don't think that there'll be a Single-player patch.

If there is, I'd be extremely surprised. It seems as though that was suppose to be the intended effect. >_>

I enjoyed CoD: W@W more than R2, but R2 was a high-quality game.

@ Darc Requiem

Yeah we talked about this before DMJ. You are right. The AI in R2 is broken. Chimera ignore your comrades completely.

Not completely, I completed the game as well, but they sure have more interest in Hale. It's not bad AI at all, it's a design decision.

Also Mike, in R2 Hale is not the only Chimera-virus enhanced soldier. His whole team is enhanced.

If you followed the story you will know Nathan Hale is special based on conversations and intelligence reports.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

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dallascowboysfan101 said:
Ari_Gold said:
you heard wrong, its the most overrated FPS of the year



i heard this everywhere


How can you hear that R2 is the best FPS of the year and then hear that it's the most overrated FPS of the year everywhere?  o.O

This reminds me of a 360 fan who told me friends told him Resistance 1 was broken because you could shoot through walls and suffered from slowdowns (sniper rifle function).

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

Acevil said:

Ok to those saying the game is overrated, I notice you happen to be from the 360 crowd. If I am going to pester leo-J on his comments, you guys are no different.

First off have you played the game?
What makes it overrated?
Are you just saying this becase you are happen to like the 360 more?

I know I don't like this game, because of personal tastes, but I would never label it as overrated.


So because I own a 360 (and a PS3) I can't form a valid opinion of the game?

And I haven't had a chance to play it yet, but from talking to people that have (and loved R:FoM) the game is very much overrated.  It may have 60 player MP, 8 player coop, and bigger enemies with more enemies on screen, but it just isn't that great and can't beat the generic shooter that the first one was (again, not my words on this one).


MikeB said:
This reminds me of a 360 fan who told me friends told him Resistance 1 was broken because you could shoot through walls and suffered from slowdowns (sniper rifle function).


Weird AI behavior cannot be exlpained away as a design decision.  It sounds more like a developer hack.

@ twesterm

the game is very much overrated

IMO overall well underrated, except by a few US websites such as IGN. IMO the game compared to other shooters is a solid 9+ out of ten at the very least, better for me than all others so far.

So much talent and love went into making this game special.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales