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Acevil said:

Ok to those saying the game is overrated, I notice you happen to be from the 360 crowd. If I am going to pester leo-J on his comments, you guys are no different.

First off have you played the game?
What makes it overrated?
Are you just saying this becase you are happen to like the 360 more?

I know I don't like this game, because of personal tastes, but I would never label it as overrated.


So because I own a 360 (and a PS3) I can't form a valid opinion of the game?

And I haven't had a chance to play it yet, but from talking to people that have (and loved R:FoM) the game is very much overrated.  It may have 60 player MP, 8 player coop, and bigger enemies with more enemies on screen, but it just isn't that great and can't beat the generic shooter that the first one was (again, not my words on this one).