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Forums - Sony Discussion - Resistance 2 sells out amazon uk...

I stop predictions for this year, it's too hard to tell how a game's gonna sell when you see that motorstorm 2, banjo, ME and tomb raider bombed!

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Motorstorm hasnt bombed, its selling very well, it just didnt start off amazingly well


leo-j said:
Motorstorm hasnt bombed, its selling very well, it just didnt start off amazingly well

lol hasn't bombed? It's sold 200k since its release at beginning of November. Compared to 3.65m for first motorstorm? Bundling sure goes a long way no?

Edit...Sure says a lot about how many people actually wanted/enjoyed the first motorstorm.

3.65M in over a year, just because something sells poorly at the beginning, doesnt mean it wont sell millions.

Look at Wii music.


leo-j said:
3.65M in over a year, just because something sells poorly at the beginning, doesnt mean it wont sell millions.

Look at Wii music.


Yeah...Motorstorm sold 3.65m because of bundling.

Lemme break it down for you.

Week 0-11 Japan Release

Week 11-26 - NA Bundle released March 4, discontinued May 30th (

Week 30-78 - Europe Bundle Released June 27th 07, discontinued May 30th 08. (

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Your getting you years mucked up a bit, the NA bundling was a year later than you seem to think

Motorostorm broke 1 million before it was even bundled anywhere



With any luck this game should do very well, i just wish that Sony had a more intense advertising campaign for their titles... I see loads of 360 ads (mainly that idiotic lips one lol) and numerous wii ad's but rarely any Sony ones...

Last gen the tv was flooded with ps2 ads


leo-j said:
Last gen the tv was flooded with ps2 ads

Yeah i know, which makes it more odd that Sony are not really advertising the PS3! I for one have never seen an ad for Resistance 2 at all, not even in shop windows (other than it being mentioned on a multiformat one in Gamestation...)

Oh well, here's hoping word of mouth and reputation of the first game will be enough to propel this game into the millions sold