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Forums - Sony Discussion - When the PS3 goes to £200 and $300, will you buy it?

Soleron said:

Because they haven't made any games I want. If they made a game as original, fun, creative and awesome as for example Super Mario Galaxy for it, I would buy one at any price. I don't object to non-Nintendo games; it's that no other company has made one I like.


 So no little big planet? lol


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i never payed more than £150 for a gaming console and i never will, if it comes down to £150 sometime in the future i would buy it for, but i don't really need a PS3, my cousin has 2 PS3's i Could just borrow his PS3 to play god of war 3 :P

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434

No. I have a Wii and 360. I can get the HD games and the wii games :D

Already got one, so no. But I will get another BR player once they are $100 or less, which I expect them to be next holiday season.

I bought my PlayStation 3 at 700$, when Sony will realase a White PS3 I will buy a second, com on, 400$ for a PS3 is cheap, Sony pay more than the double to construct this wonder.

Final Fantasy huge... watch my collection


Oh... Final Fantasy huge only on SONY system !


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i would buy one right now at 400 but im not in a hurry. first i wanna get a 1080p hdtv and i want the 45nm ps3. i could buy a 360 with the money i got for free yesterday but i dont like any exculsive 360 games.

Will I buy it at $300? no. I'll buy it at $400 :)

No, because I didn't like the PS1 or the PS2 and everything I've played on the PS3 so far hasn't really impresed me enough to purchase it. 


... The 160gb PS3 just went up in price in Canada to $519.99

It was $499.99

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


No. I bought a 360 and a Wii and I do not have time to play the games I want on those systems as it is.

I would have preferred to have a PS3, but the additional value to me has never been worth the price difference relative to the 360. Where I ended up was the 360 and PS3 both had all my must have features and the additional PS3 features were all nice to haves but not worth the money.

I think this is the PS3s biggest concern, that people that want a PS3 will tire of waiting to jump into this generation and decide the 360 is good enough and a lot cheaper.