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Forums - Sales Discussion - i think 360 may have an 8 million+ lead after fall results are out.........

ElectroRocker said:
lol just wait for killzone 2 in europe and na and yakuza 3 in japan + 299 euro playstation 3 sku.
it will DESTROY the 360

this generation isnt over yet, and february will show you haters the comeback of the ps3.

lol I'm not a PS3 owner, but I think they have waited long enough.

Around the Network
Ronster316 said:

It appears to me as though quite a lot of sony fans beleive that good graphics= a guaranteed good game............ WRONG.

Finally, someone that understands.

PSN: Parasitic_Link

disolitude said:
I don't think anyone intelligent cares if a console is outselling another long as their console has the games that they want to play.

I think a sega dreamcast owner was a lot happier in 2000 and 2001 than a ps2 owner. Yet ps2 sold much more...

Seing PS3 outsold like this did teach a Sony many valuable lessons...such as that bundling hardware features doesn't matter if the price isn't right and that depending on 3rd parties for your big hits is like depending on a hooker to stay with you even when the money is gone.

But despite all this PS3 is still a viable console today and will get its time to shine...late 2009/early 2010 in my opinion.

Ill get one again when price is right.


Talk about sour grapes!  Your console of choice isn't meeting your expectations in terms of sales so you claim nobody intelligent cares if one console is outselling another.  You just insulted every member of this site (including yourself), since it is a site which tracks sales.  Why else would people choose to visit this site if they didn't have an interest in sales data?

Of course it matters if one console outsells another.  It is a contributing factor when determining if it is worthwhile for a developer to work on an exclusive, or if one console should be chosen over another as the lead platform.  We saw that with the PS2 last gen and to a lesser extent with the 360 now.

Only little boys take their ball home when they start to lose.