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Forums - Gaming Discussion - NEW: Monthly VGC most wanted. Vote here.

1. Final Fantasy XIII
2. Final Fantasy Vs XIII
3. White Knight Chronicles
4. Starcraft 2
5. Ninokuni - if not yet announced for the americas, Dragon Quest IX

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makingmusic476 said:
Torillian said:
I realize this is a bit of a derailment. But I was curious what it is that your looking forward to in Little King's Story, MM? I don't want to debate that you shouldn't be, I am looking forward to it as well, I was just curious what makes it rank so high on your list.


I'm not really sure. It looks quirky and fun, and I just really want it for some reason.

Maybe it's the artstyle, I don't know.

I can respect that, basicaly ends up being the same reason that I'm looking forward to it.  I suppose my random feeling that the game will be great is just not as strong as your random feeling.  Hopefully we both end up correct.  ^^



Torillian said:
makingmusic476 said:
Torillian said:
I realize this is a bit of a derailment. But I was curious what it is that your looking forward to in Little King's Story, MM? I don't want to debate that you shouldn't be, I am looking forward to it as well, I was just curious what makes it rank so high on your list.


I'm not really sure. It looks quirky and fun, and I just really want it for some reason.

Maybe it's the artstyle, I don't know.

I can respect that, basicaly ends up being the same reason that I'm looking forward to it.  I suppose my random feeling that the game will be great is just not as strong as your random feeling.  Hopefully we both end up correct.  ^^


Indeed.  :D


Resident Evil 5
White Knight Chronicles
God of War 3
NHM: Desperate Struggle

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

1) Rise of the Argonauts (PC) - December 16th
2) Mirror's Edge (PC) - January 9th
3) Deadly Creatures(Wii) - December 15th
4) Mushroom Men(Wii)
5) Prince of Persia(PC)

Next 2 games would be Wii games...PC dominates the top 2 though....for a month or so =)

PS - Why don't more people know/care about Rise of the Argonauts...thats it..I'm making a thread.

To Each Man, Responsibility
Around the Network

Empire Total War
Final Fantasy XII
Final Fantasy versus XIII
Resident Evil 5
Tales of symphonia 2

PSN- williwod

Remember, there are no stupid questions. Just stupid people- Mr Garrison

Alan Wake
Mass Effect 2
Splinter Cell: Conviction
Final Fantasy 13
Halo Wars

1. Heavy Rain
2. Alan Wake
3. Resident Evil 5
4. DC Universe Online
5. Mad World

1. Monster Hunter 3
2.Starcraft 2
3. Pikmin 3
4. Diablo 3
5. Resident Evil 5

^^Whoa whoa whoa....

Is Pikmin 3 allowed? I think it violates rule #3 of the OP.

If it is allowed then I need to rework my list.

To Each Man, Responsibility