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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - I have a 360 1080p problem, can some one help?

greenmedic88 said:
Who said anything about the HDTV standard format?

This whole thread was about 1080p native rendered video sources.

Of which no game outputs 1920x1080. Bitmap is right. Do some research. The industry does not accept anything like 1280x1080 as 1080p. The only output resolutions that get that 1080p label are 1920x1080. Seriously you have been owned alot in this thread. Read up on the standards of the industry.


@Bitmap. Cheers for the Industry standards info.


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selnor said:
@ Bitmap.

There is no point in arguing with people that argue with blatant facts. If they do not want to accept what the industry standard is then thats their problem. It only makes them look really silly. Something I learned whrn people argued against IBM's actual Cell numbers. Some people live on a completely different planet.


Yeah, you are right =)

Cya around the forums selnor.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

hehe looks like I know absolutly nothing! It was nice learning from you guys! I am now a HD god of knowledge! kind of... :D

If at first you don't succeed, you fail

Ive noticed no jaggies or lag issues when doing 1080p or i. I have noticed allmost every game supports 1080i or P though. Only the older poorly made games dont. Most A or better titles actually do 1080 and the cheaper 3rd party games upscale the images. Still never really noticed any jaggies or flickering though. Very strange for you to have this problem. My guess is that the 360 is set to 720 and is trying to downscale the 1080 images then the tv is trying to upscale them again. Now that would cause problems.

Problem with SOME PS3 games to this day is they scale at 720p. Take Resistance 2 for example. Bet alot of people did not know that its a 720p game. It made me blank stare at my tv for about a minute... still a fun game just surprised me a bit. :D

"Leap ignorantly to the defense of wealthy game company’s, who don't know or care about you!"

mwjw696 said:
Ive noticed no jaggies or lag issues when doing 1080p or i. I have noticed allmost every game supports 1080i or P though. Only the older poorly made games dont. Most A or better titles actually do 1080 and the cheaper 3rd party games upscale the images. Still never really noticed any jaggies or flickering though. Very strange for you to have this problem. My guess is that the 360 is set to 720 and is trying to downscale the 1080 images then the tv is trying to upscale them again. Now that would cause problems.

Problem with SOME PS3 games to this day is they scale at 720p. Take Resistance 2 for example. Bet alot of people did not know that its a 720p game. It made me blank stare at my tv for about a minute... still a fun game just surprised me a bit. :D


did you not read the thread at all..... no current games for these systems are currently 1080p. it could happen, a lot are not even true 720p.

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog