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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why you should own all three consoles

I couldn't agree more. I own and play-daily all 3 systems. They each offer something that the other can't, and I've never regretted buying all 3 of them.

The one thing I would like to add is this:

XBOX 360: XBOX Live & Netflix streaming movies make the 360 an enterainment powerhouse.

Sony PS3: Bar none, not only the greatest Blu-ray player to-date, but a close second-best upcoverter (2nd only to my Toshiba A30). Man, I just wish PS3 would hurry up with their PSN overhaul!

Wii: Nothing to add, well said.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


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Neoraf said:
I own the 360/PS3 combo.
The 360 is my console of choice btw. PS3 only for exclusives and Blu-Ray movies.

People owning only 1 console are missing so much...
If you're a kid, I can understand (no money) but being adult and only have 1 machine... it's just stupid.

If you love games, you love games. No fanboy bullshit.

Why not a Wii for me? I'm waiting on the HD version.
480p... I simply can't.


Have you idea how many adults would think having a xbox 360 or PS3 is stupid? Many consider video games to be for kids/teens except for the Wii that is changing the perception. Obviously, I don't agree with that myself but it shows that it's only a question of opinion whether or not something is stupid.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


I say 2 is fine, not all three.

I personally would get 360 and PS3, but i never liked NINTENDO for my own personal reasons so i would never get all three consoles.

PS3 is my choice, and i want a 360 because it has some pretty good games i would want.

So i would say either 2 or one. 2 is better because if one breaks down u can still play video games even though the other one is getting repaired. I wish i had a 360 because currently this is my case....MY PS3 BROKE DOWN!!!



I've owned only a Nintendo console for 4 straight gens now. Even with the first PS getting many exclusives during that gen, I was satisfied with just 12 games throughout the whole gen. Same goes for the GameCube.

I won't mind playing any other console, if someone would buy the console for me as a present AND buy me a lifetime supply of games for that console!

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Nice read.

...I did the owning of all consoles thing last gen. Had the Dreamcast too. When I stepped back and realized the gluttony, no way was I going to do that again, lol. A Wii an a good PC for me! =D

The Interweb is about overreaction, this is what makes it great!

...Imagine how boring the interweb would be if everyone thought logically?

Around the Network
lolita said:
My bf and I own together all the consoles/handhelds of this gen and it's hard to keep up with all the good games coming out. We don't even have time to play them fully and 4 other games comes out. =_='

It's just insane. Sure, in some way, worth getting because you don't miss out on any exclusives but it's just too much games, too little time/money. X_X

Plus, I like to do other stuff too. Like going out for a date *anyone here familiar with this term?* ;)

Too funny. I'm in the same boat as I haven't taken my girlfriend out to eat at a nice place in about a month. Luckily, our two year in on Wendesday.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

I stopped reading after PS3 was referred to a beautiful LITTLE machine. Have you actually held one in your hands before? far from little.

I got all 3 and a pretty allright computer, its no ps3 but it plays AOE III on the max settings which is all I want, and I got a DS. I started out as a nintendo fan boy but due to the HUGE savings you can make on the 360 now in australia I got one a few weeks ago and I haggled a free ps3 and HDMI cable with my new HD TV so thats the story of how I got all my consoles. It all started with the graphics card on my PC though.

My reasons for having all 3 are.

Wii - For zelda, metroid and party games. Its a great entertainer

360 - Cheap console to get into HD gaming, its old so theirs some great deals on older games that beat the prices of wii's sucky games

PS3 - If you have a 1080p HD TV 100cm or bigger you really need a blueray player other wise its price may not warrent its need over a 360. I feel like there is a larger range of quality games on the 360 so unless you want the ps3 for its few exclusivs you may just be better off handing over half the cash for a blue ray player or not worrying about the 360 and going with a pswii. But who could go without fable II!!!

I would never have thought I would end up with all 3, given that i dispised sony all last gen and most of this current gen. Even after getting it home we pulled it out of the box and looked at it and thought "this thing is an abomination to video gaming!" and we considered tucking it away some where while the wii and 360 took pride of place next to the TV.

But! things quickly changed after we (my wife and I) experienced blueray for the first time and I'm glad I left it out next to the TV because its grown on me and I love it and would never consider hiding it again! Its shiny blackness matches the TV and ads balance to the 2 white consoles. XD

And I actually baught games with it and am very impressed with its upscaler over the 360 on the 1080p screen

If at first you don't succeed, you fail

i want a ps3 for little big planet
i want a 360 for tales of vesperia
and i want both for prince of persia
and i want both for street fighter
i want a 360 cause all my friends have them
i want a ps3 cause bill gates can eat my anus
but until i become a person with lots of money to throw around, im sticking with my wii. it entertains me very much so!

8th gen predictions. (made early 2014)
PS4: 60-65m
WiiU: 30-35m
X1: 30-35m
3DS: 80-85m
PSV: 15-20m

Ahh the wonders of being married and sharing the bank account! It's sure payed off for my gaming!

19 games
101cm 1080P TV
extra remote for each

If I wasnt married I would be stuck with just the wii on a standard def TV and 10 games :(

If at first you don't succeed, you fail