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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 4 out of 5 nominations for game of the year are on ps3, 2 exclusive

I hated Fallout 3 and wasn't THAT impresses with Gears 2, GTA 4 isn't my bag either. Probably LBP for me since I never played MGS4.

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To me, it's Fallout 3, with MGS4 a distant second.

However, GTAIV will win.

I like GTAIV a lot, though, so it's ok.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


bugrimmar said:
i agree with the j man, never ever talk the quality of games you've never played. i also thought fallout 3 was nothing, but when i played it i understood why it was best of E3. fallout 3 is the shit

and again, please don't post about games you've never played.

I rented it and I'm quite glad I didn't buy it. The game, like a fanboy, just tries too hard.

Since SSBB isn't in the running, I hope my favorite non-Wii game wins, GTA4.


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ZenfoldorVGI said:
To me, it's Fallout 3, with MGS4 a distant second.

However, GTAIV will win.

I like GTAIV a lot, though, so it's ok.

Ya, GTAIV will have the best chance to win, but its MGS4 that should win bcus of the gr8 storyline compared to GTAIV.


Above I'm a proud Gran Turismo fan, not a Sony fanboy, and now a proud 360 owner, but sharing xbox live accts ATM

End of 2009 Predictions (made Jan 1, 2009): My predictions were pretty accurate, the 360 was over and the Wii was just under.

Wii: 65 mil (yea I'm crazy) 360: 35 mil (its getting there) PS3: 30 mil (the slim better do well)

End of 2010 Predictions (made Jan 7, 2010):

Wii: 81 mil  360: 47 mil PS3: 45 mil

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where the hell is too human/you'r in the movies or lips?

i m not happy with the list ;)




KylieDog said:
What an utterly crap list.

GTA IV will win, too many review sites singing how it was the greatest game ever made, they have dug themselves into a hole, they either give it to GTA and stay stubborn despite the clear dissapointment by many, or give the award to another game and show just how wrong they really were.

Full of crap either way.


Meh, while it might have been a dissapointment to a very small clique of hardcore gamer enthusiasts playing off each others opinions and overembellishing their dissapointments, I think the vast, vast majority of purchasers were more than satisfied with this entry in the series.

Just because you don't like something, doesn't mean it's bad, and having an underground niche of friends who don't agree with you, don't justify your opinions, nor do they prove anything. Differing opinions aren't always stubborn, or bad, and being bitter and having differing opinions doesn't buck society, nor is it cute, or endearing.

Obviously, I can take every game, ever, and find a bitter clique of underground haters on the internet(many of whom have never even played said game), that someone has used as a justification for calling that game bad.

Some exceptional examples are:

Oblivion, GTAIV, Twilight Princess, Final Fantasy XII, and the Halo series.

Everyone never agrees on anything. Surprising news, I know.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


SpartanFX said:
where the hell is too human/you'r in the movies or lips?

i m not happy with the list ;)


Yeah, I'm shocked, haze, lair, and resistance 2 didn't make the list.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


ZenfoldorVGI said:
SpartanFX said:
where the hell is too human/you'r in the movies or lips?

i m not happy with the list ;)


Yeah, I'm shocked, haze, lair, and resistance 2 didn't make the list.


I agree i m shocked  R2 didn't make it.


see we finalyy agree over something ;)




you're putting resistance 2 in the same sentence with haze and lair?

out of your mind.