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KylieDog said:
What an utterly crap list.

GTA IV will win, too many review sites singing how it was the greatest game ever made, they have dug themselves into a hole, they either give it to GTA and stay stubborn despite the clear dissapointment by many, or give the award to another game and show just how wrong they really were.

Full of crap either way.


Meh, while it might have been a dissapointment to a very small clique of hardcore gamer enthusiasts playing off each others opinions and overembellishing their dissapointments, I think the vast, vast majority of purchasers were more than satisfied with this entry in the series.

Just because you don't like something, doesn't mean it's bad, and having an underground niche of friends who don't agree with you, don't justify your opinions, nor do they prove anything. Differing opinions aren't always stubborn, or bad, and being bitter and having differing opinions doesn't buck society, nor is it cute, or endearing.

Obviously, I can take every game, ever, and find a bitter clique of underground haters on the internet(many of whom have never even played said game), that someone has used as a justification for calling that game bad.

Some exceptional examples are:

Oblivion, GTAIV, Twilight Princess, Final Fantasy XII, and the Halo series.

Everyone never agrees on anything. Surprising news, I know.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.