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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is There Really Any Difference Between 360 And PS3 Games?

DeadNotSleeping said:
PS3 games typically have a mandatory install that eats up precious hard drive space faster than you might think.

XBox 360 games do not. For gamers with a large collection of games, this a real important detail.


This is absolutly not true.  It uses very little space compared to what is available.  I have a lauch 60 gig, 13 games on disc, 3 games from DL, 9 demo's, a few videos , some music and pictures and I'm not even close to being half full.

Nice try, maybe next time.

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kjj4t9rdad said:
DeadNotSleeping said:
PS3 games typically have a mandatory install that eats up precious hard drive space faster than you might think.

XBox 360 games do not. For gamers with a large collection of games, this a real important detail.


This is absolutly not true.  It uses very little space compared to what is available.  I have a lauch 60 gig, 13 games on disc, 3 games from DL, 9 demo's, a few videos , some music and pictures and I'm not even close to being half full.

Nice try, maybe next time.


 Well i have the 40 gig. 4 games, 6 demos and a few ps store games. My hard drive is full....I'm always  deleating shit to fill it with new stuff.

nice try .maybe next time   

If i wasn't buying games all the time i might have a little left over for a bigger harddrive...


You wanna have your opinion, then you have to respect different opinions as well.


ozsman said:

Well i have the 40 gig. 4 games, 6 demos and a few ps store games. My hard drive is full....I'm always  deleating shit to fill it with new stuff.

nice try .maybe next time   

If i wasn't buying games all the time i might have a little left over for a bigger harddrive...


I hear ya, ozsman.  I know exactly what you mean.

Skeeuk said:
well on games front both are now comparable, although i belive ps3 had the better quality titles in 2008.

going into 2009, ive not heard of anything on the 360 front apart from a probable forza mass effect and mabey ninja blade and a halo strategy game.

will will have to wait and see who has best games of 2009


Thats because you havn't been looking and probably don't even own the console LOL


I BELIEVE 360 had the better quality titles in 2008.


well when it comes down to it, its really the exclusives, multiplaform games are exaclty the same, don't believe that stupid shit that multiplaform games look better on 360, or look better than the ps3. the only difference is the level of brightness is higher on the 360 than ps3, and that can be adjusted in the menus easily.

i would know cause i own GTA on both systems, my bro had to lower the brightness because it was too bright on the 360 and it was blinding him, and i had to raise it on the ps3 because it was too dark to see

but back to the topic, its really about the exclusives, exclusives make console owners feel special, well at least good ones

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I'm not saying it makes PS3 games better than 360 games(see Lair for an example) but the Sony published games seem to have the best production level of any games on any system. The voice acting, the sound effects, the music, and the such are top notch on their titles. But again it doesn't mean the game will automatically be better but if you enjoy things of that nature, then it's a positive.

Elite1 said:
Where else are you going to find LBP, MGS4, Uncharted etc.


I hear what you are saying but drake i have seen and it isnt really anything special imo.


If memory serves me right the cover system is a copy of gears of war.


LPB and MGS4 I have not played but really are still similar to many 360 games.


Overall imo neither system has the killer game that says this is much better than the other.


One may have bells and the other whistles.





Exclusives on the PS3 tend to look better than other consoles, HOWEVER, multiplatforms tend to look better on the 360 because of its easier developer friendly archeticture, and the PS3's opposite when it comes to developers.


leo-j said:
Exclusives on the PS3 tend to look better than other consoles, HOWEVER, multiplatforms tend to look better on the 360 because of its easier developer friendly archeticture, and the PS3's opposite when it comes to developers.


Yes but thats really just trimmings leo.


My question is what makes one different or better than the other.


The games on both are just the same really.


Mind you thats just my take on it as I only own the 360.


Multi owners would obviously be better  judges than me.





reask said:
Elite1 said:
Where else are you going to find LBP, MGS4, Uncharted etc.


I hear what you are saying but drake i have seen and it isnt really anything special imo.


If memory serves me right the cover system is a copy of gears of war.


LPB and MGS4 I have not played but really are still similar to many 360 games.


Overall imo neither system has the killer game that says this is much better than the other.


One may have bells and the other whistles.

Which copied the cover system from killswitch.. well i don't have both so i won't judge the 360. Only thing i can say is i doubt you'll find something like Metal Gear solid or sonys first party titles (obviously not them but similar games) :p well in some instances anyways.


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