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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS2 Lifetime Sales Prediction

I predict around 180 million copies sold worldwide.


Make your prediction.


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225 million..... are you kidding. I predict 160 million.

@NSS7, alright sorry. i guess i was a little out of hand.


Way to much... IMO 150 best case scenario...

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

I can't believe people are still buying PS2s :O

OT: I predict 145 million at best.

Around the Network

It has sold already about 130m (Not according to vgchartz)
I say 155m.



Take my love, take my land..

At it's current rate I'd say no more than 10 million based on what has currently sold so far, the PS2 is finally coming to the end of it's twilight years...

Good to see this site is still going 

indodude said:
I can't believe people are still buying PS2s :O

OT: I predict 145 million at best.

At E3 in July 2008 Sony revealed the PS2 had passed 140 million worldwide, it sold 28 million the last two fiscal years, that's well more than for example the 360 sold in over 3 years. It also outsold the PS3 and 360 to retail the last reported quarter.

I think 145 million would be at the very low end of expectations, I think there's still a lot of sales potential in weaker and emerging economies (huge library of budget games for example).

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

With price drop it could do another 12-17mil.

PS2 is being targetted at developing markets, production is about to start in Brazil. So whilst it might be in it's "twilight years" in the major markets, it will still be in production for quite a few more years. It still has a lot more than 10 million units before it's discontinued.