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Forums - Sales Discussion - Microsoft Says Xbox 360 Has the Upper Hand on the PS3

leo-j said:

If you think its just PS fanboys that make assumptions like those, then your greatly mistakened.

Indeed,360 fanboys make threads as well,but PS fanboys make alot more theads parading there console around,when both are good.

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xman said:
Yeah they have the momentum but they should watch out because things could change rather quickly with a price cut from sony


 Yeah man, keep the dream alive!

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.

CGI-Quality said:

@ Garnett

I thought you said you were a person of “fairness”. But as of late, all you've done is bash the PS3 and practically praised the 360.

@ Godot

Yeah... M$ will be able to claim victory over Sony (that's if things stay this way) but they'll still never have the brand recognition Sony has because of Sony's two HISTORICAL victories two generations in a row M$ cannot claim this. Really that's all just fighting for scraps though. The real winner this gen will be the Wii.


Orly? I  never rarely praise the 360 i just stop the bash of it,i havent made threads talking about how good the 360 is,i never made a thread bashing the PS3,iv been keeping track of every 360 vs PS3 threads and PS3 threads out number the 360 alot.


Fact is i like the PS3 just as much as i like the 360,i just dont like the fanboys of the systems.

DMeisterJ said:

MS is so sad.

You're beating Sony.

Do you have to say it each and every day?

It's like the guy in your group of friends that tries too hard.

You know you know that guy.

He's the loudest, and most obnoxious person in the group, and no one really likes him.

But you keep him around cause he's a sucker for picking up the tab when you go out to eat or to the bar or something.

Same thing with MS.

They talk all the time about how they're beating the PS3, and we constantly have to hear it.

But they have the cheapest system, so people just deal with the annoyances.

But MS really needs to get over themselves.

So what you're beating the PS3.

Who cares?

I guess since the Wii is number one, they have to make this generation look like some kind of victory.

Since their "First to 10 mil" thing didn't work out. lol.

IDK why I wrote like this.


They keep this up this time of year to hopefully get press and the press write articles that influences people on the fence.


Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.

Of course the 360 has the upper hand, its $199...duh! Even I feel like getting one just because it's cheap. It's just that owning a ps3 and 360 feels very redundant and I'll probably still use my ps3 a lot more since I still play ps2 and ps1 games anyway.

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

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You know you've lost it when when silly PR spin get's your panties in a bunch.

Both consoles have the share of die-hard fans. I love my 360, I, however, am not blind to how great the PS3 is. Sony made mistakes, so did MS. Nintendo capitalized.

I see just as many "put your foot in your mouth" threads generated by fans quoting "insert here" company. Sony says something about the Wii or 360, a 360 or Wii fan posts it. MS says something about the PS3 or Wii. PS3 or Wii fan posts get the idea.

These companies are competing and talk shit all the time. That's the nature of business. To say MS is worse about bragging than Sony, or Nin, is untrue. I have seen it generated from all sides. I will agree that Nintendo has taken the "Check out my beach house I bought with the Wii profits" approach. That speaks for itself. It's easy to sit back and smile when you are in 1st.

I could scour the internet for multiple quotes about said company and start numerous threads bashing any of them. Maybe these post are intentional, or perhaps the thread generator is just sharing the info. Regardless, it going to get people spun up.

DMeisterJ said:

MS is so sad.

You're beating Sony.

Do you have to say it each and every day?

It's like the guy in your group of friends that tries too hard.

You know you know that guy.

He's the loudest, and most obnoxious person in the group, and no one really likes him.

But you keep him around cause he's a sucker for picking up the tab when you go out to eat or to the bar or something.

Same thing with MS.

They talk all the time about how they're beating the PS3, and we constantly have to hear it.

But they have the cheapest system, so people just deal with the annoyances.

But MS really needs to get over themselves.

So what you're beating the PS3.

Who cares?

I guess since the Wii is number one, they have to make this generation look like some kind of victory.

Since their "First to 10 mil" thing didn't work out. lol.

IDK why I wrote like this.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but Sony PR has done the exact same thing. To the victor, goes the spoils.


Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

A lot of people are buying 360 right because of the price including the rebate, wich runs until December 31. So unless Microsoft keeps that price in 2009, X360 sales in january will probably be significantly lower than usual. Let them celebrate while they can, they know that PS3 will overtake 360 big time some day.

Only advantage: price! Netflix helps a little.