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DMeisterJ said:

MS is so sad.

You're beating Sony.

Do you have to say it each and every day?

It's like the guy in your group of friends that tries too hard.

You know you know that guy.

He's the loudest, and most obnoxious person in the group, and no one really likes him.

But you keep him around cause he's a sucker for picking up the tab when you go out to eat or to the bar or something.

Same thing with MS.

They talk all the time about how they're beating the PS3, and we constantly have to hear it.

But they have the cheapest system, so people just deal with the annoyances.

But MS really needs to get over themselves.

So what you're beating the PS3.

Who cares?

I guess since the Wii is number one, they have to make this generation look like some kind of victory.

Since their "First to 10 mil" thing didn't work out. lol.

IDK why I wrote like this.


They keep this up this time of year to hopefully get press and the press write articles that influences people on the fence.


Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.