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Forums - Sales Discussion - The PS3 Price Cut is Not Going to Help Sony in Europe

sophism:a  confusing or illogical argument used for deceiving someone


"Once the 360 acceptance happened, it was irreversible. The bias against the 360 is gone forever. The PS3 can and will drop its prices, but from now on the PS3 and the 360 will be evaluated on their merits without the original bias that hampered the success of the 360 for its first 3 years in Europe."


"The PS3 price cut is not going to help sony in Europe"

This is not really a logical consequence. What are you assuming here?

360 price cut -> 360 acceptance -> ps3  perceived superiority gone -> ps3 won't see even with a price cut

I see a problem with this, even assuming like u want that the perceived ps3 advantage is gone u want to conclude that a price cut wouldn't help ps

this is pure sophistry, completely illogical argument




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A price cut would definitely help the PS3, but it wont happen for some time. The Xbox360 in the meantime could gain some serious ground in the European market. Even if the PS3 recovers in the long run they lose out to the 360 for the time being along with all the potential revenue from software sales. Especially in the case of multiplatform titles. Moreover, if people realize they can get the same game of equal quality on a cheaper console they may just decide to stay with the 360. Even with a price drop the PS3 could never go as low as the 360. And the 360 too could see further drops.

It also depends on the timing. For 360 this drop could not have come at a better time, at lease in terms of pushing consoles against their main competitor. It will generate more sales than expected. Will Sony have the same kind of luck? If not, they may have more problems. But who knows? Its just a wait and see kind of situation.

I prefer to wait and see, too many surprises so far this gen to just say this. And has a price cut even been confirmed yet??? All i've heard of is some rumors and discount in only France.

4 ≈ One

aug17th said:

sophism:a  confusing or illogical argument used for deceiving someone


"Once the 360 acceptance happened, it was irreversible. The bias against the 360 is gone forever. The PS3 can and will drop its prices, but from now on the PS3 and the 360 will be evaluated on their merits without the original bias that hampered the success of the 360 for its first 3 years in Europe."


"The PS3 price cut is not going to help sony in Europe"

This is not really a logical consequence. What are you assuming here?

360 price cut -> 360 acceptance -> ps3  perceived superiority gone -> ps3 won't see even with a price cut

I see a problem with this, even assuming like u want that the perceived ps3 advantage is gone u want to conclude that a price cut wouldn't help ps

this is pure sophistry, completely illogical argument





thanks for that,

Saved me the trouble of typing it out lol

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

trust me if the PS3 has a price cut there will be no competition in europe.

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KylieDog said:
So the price cut works for MS but not Sony?

If the PS3 dropped to £200 it would flatten 360 sales.


 It wouldn't simply down to the fact it has a awful image problem which Sony have made no effort to rectify. This image is what has made the PS3 so undesirable here in UK. The main issue the PS3 has is that so many people have already shelved out money on a console this generation that it seems very unlikely they will spend another load of cash on another console. And even if they did those sales numbers would not return to what they were last year. The fact of the matter is when a console gets to it's third year it starts to drop sales. PS3 fanboys such as yourself are so used to the "wait until" theory that you have become blind to actual reality sales trends. Here in the UK you can get a 360 for £119. The PS3 will never get that low. The moment the PS3 cut comes into play it will sell more then it is now just like this year when it had its price cut. It will sell more units then the 360 for a few months. Then the numbers will return to normal just like before where the two consoles were neck and neck after July. Then as we head into holiday 2009 Microsoft will drop the price for the last time to £99 ($149) which will see the small numbers the PS3 made back over the year obliterated. Just like what has happened this year. This is the pattern of this generation and that is why it is next to impossible for the PS3 to catch the 360. The momentum will shift from 360 to PS3 around March but in those few months the PS3 will have momentum wont make any dent at all on the gap because by the end of that year the 360 will have cancelled it out with its own price cut, again.

Then after holiday 2009 we will still see a 6m gap worldwide and probably 7m-8m if the trend of PS3 losing 200k a week continues. Then after that MS will put all their energy into getting ready for the next generation safe in the knowledge it would take at 4th year sales rate about 5 years for the PS3 to catch up. Which i think is just not going to happen. The image of the console is that of failure and that is why were seeing it get destroyed here.

You guys don't understand what he means when he says "won't help". Hes not arguing that that the price cut won't increase sales what I think hes saying is this.

"A pricecut in Europe won't save the PS3"

So essentially if what hes saying is true, the Xbox 360 will continue to sell more as people are accepting it as a viable alternative to the PS3 and that a pricecut by the PS3 may only achieve parity rather than cause the PS3 to outsell the Xbox 360 in that region.


uh, in sorry but if the ps3 was cut by a 100 in europe it would fly past the xbox. dont you guys realise the only reason why 360 is selling like this is cause of the extremly cheap price and the crazy advertising. its microsofts final push against the ps3 and it is working right now but dont you think sony has something up there sleeve?

Squilliam said:
You guys don't understand what he means when he says "won't help". Hes not arguing that that the price cut won't increase sales what I think hes saying is this.

"A pricecut in Europe won't save the PS3"

So essentially if what hes saying is true, the Xbox 360 will continue to sell more as people are accepting it as a viable alternative to the PS3 and that a pricecut by the PS3 may only achieve parity rather than cause the PS3 to outsell the Xbox 360 in that region.


oh god, please tell me you mean wont save the ps3 FROM the wii and not the 360 PLEASE! if the answer is 360 then LMFAO! doesnt matter what anyone thinks or says or if they love ps3 or 360 this is a fact! and everyone knows it! if ps3 was £200 it would absolutly rip the 360 into another galaxy!

AKA pooperscooper said:®1=Total+Other&cons2=PS3®2=Total+Other&cons3=X360®3=Total+Other&weeks=156

(Total other including countries that are very fond of the 360 because of easier piracy and similair reasons)

(Europe only)

Enough said

Okay... so it was me who would tell this guy is wrong... again


 Well done I totally agree with you. You simply ignored that your graph lacked half of the numbers in the OP!


You are comparing 2006 + 2007 X360 vs 2007 + 2008 Ps3.

So your graph just ignored the OP. You did in no way at all prove this guy wrong.

Also, saying that this thread is wrong solely because he has made another that was, is really stupid.


Look at it this way.

Europe sales 8 weeks ending 24th November 2007:

Ps3: 690K

X360: 304K


Europe sales 8 weeks ending 22nd November 2008:

Ps3: 674K

X360: 955K


So Ps3 did about the same, whereas the X360 more than tripled itself, and outsold the Ps3 by over 40 %.


His assumption is that this means that the 360 is now a lot more accepted, and that this will keep it selling. Now, I don't know if he is right, but after he did all this work, you could at least give him the courtesy of answering him, instead of posting something completely else (that has nothing to do with the case), and ignore the work he did.


That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS