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Forums - Sales Discussion - The PS3 Price Cut is Not Going to Help Sony in Europe

DMeisterJ said:

Typical Chartz.

Didn't we say the same thing about Microsoft's price cut a few months ago? And look where it is now.

This is a first though, pre-damage control for a rumor.

That means people must be scared.

That means this price cut is a game changer.

Shit just got REAL!

Puh-lease. Typical DMeisterJ.

Did you even read the OP? What the hell are you talking about? What rumor? What damage control? What is the matter with you people? Read the f*cking OP before posting. it is the first line in the OP.

And this goes for you too Judeophobia and Aj_habfan. Please read the OP from top to bottom and I would love to hear your opinions ON THE TOPIC. But to post a response to a thread without even bothering to read the OP is just shallow and does not reflect well on you. 

Prediction made on 11/1/2008:

Q4 2008: 27M xbox LTD, 20M PS3 LTD . 2009 sales: 11M xbox,  9M PS3

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My point was, even a console as irrelevant as the 360 in Japan can benefit from a price cut. Your title is just plain wrong.

I don't see how you can argue that the price cuts which brought the 360 to the point it is at, won't have a similar effect with PS3. This isn't 2007 where 360 has all the better titles and PS3 is living off it's brand name - The quality of what you can get from each is similar, except PS3 STILL has brand power. It just needs the price.

Aj_habfan said:
My point was, even a console as irrelevant as the 360 in Japan can benefit from a price cut. Your title is just plain wrong.

I don't see how you can argue that the price cuts which brought the 360 to the point it is at, won't have a similar effect with PS3. This isn't 2007 where 360 has all the better titles and PS3 is living off it's brand name - The quality of what you can get from each is similar, except PS3 STILL has brand power. It just needs the price.

If you will actually read the OP, you will see that the title had been changed (the new title is in big bold letter up front in the OP). I already acknoledged earlier in the thread that the original thread title choice was poor. I just cannot edit it.

The OP is not about disputing that the PS3 will be getting more sales after a price cut. Of course it will. Simple economics. It is about something else, much more interesting and profound. I will not post the spoiler here - just read it top-to-bottom and if you still think I am wrong, I will be happy to discuss it. 

Prediction made on 11/1/2008:

Q4 2008: 27M xbox LTD, 20M PS3 LTD . 2009 sales: 11M xbox,  9M PS3

Another fantasy topic from another self appointed industry analyzer who has no creditability what so ever, this site can do better right?

The X360 just took the lead over the Ps3 in europe - and by the end of the this Xmax will be nearly 1 million ahead at current rates.
Ms are doing really well and the Ps3 is loosing out big this Xmas.
Why ?
X360 is cheaper - the games are similar nothing to really say one is noticably better/worse than the other in this respect.
Neither have motion support (why have motion sensing in the sixaxis if you cant use it in most games ?).
You can get a blu-ray player + X360 for around the same price as the Ps3 now.

PS3 number 1 fan

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amirnetz. for what it's worth, I enjoy reading your threads and I hope you continue to post on vgchartz. I don't always agree with your conclusions but you always make me think.

That was really long, but totally worth it. The title may have been a poor choice, and many are judging you on that, instead of the content. Speaking of content, I agree with you on pretty much everything. Please don't feel discouraged from posting more excellent insights like this, even though I'm sure we won't always agree in the future......just pick a better title!

i can't believe how many people posted without reading the OP, if you're gonna criticize the OP, READ THE OP. Don't criticize something you didn't read and can't appropriately argue.

The OP really makes sense, I never looked at the breakdown of the numbers by country, i only saw how much sales had increased in others. There have been 2 price cuts in europe this year, and the first one didn't increase sales long term and failed to do much of anything in Sony's strong countries, and the second was very significant and made huge dents in Sony's strongholds. This alone is evidence enough to give the OP some credit. The public perception of the 360 has changed, the 360 has been cheaper than the ps3 the whole time but the PS3 outsold it, why all the sudden do sales double, triple, and quadruple when it gets a little cheaper? Dodece said it best, once the bad public perception is gone you have to actually show a better value then your competitor. The PS3 is gonna have a hard time doing that.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

Judeophobia said:
a Sony price cut can, and will, put them ahead of microsoft.

PS3 has already passed 360 in most of mainland europe such as spain, italy, germany, france, etc. The only places left really are UK, Scandanavia and Australia and PS3 will lead in all others.


 wot you talkin bout . I live in scandinavia and, atleast in my country the ps3 is way ahead of the 360

Check out my game about moles ^

amirnetz said:
DMeisterJ said:

Typical Chartz.

Didn't we say the same thing about Microsoft's price cut a few months ago? And look where it is now.

This is a first though, pre-damage control for a rumor.

That means people must be scared.

That means this price cut is a game changer.

Shit just got REAL!

Puh-lease. Typical DMeisterJ.

Did you even read the OP? What the hell are you talking about? What rumor? What damage control? What is the matter with you people? Read the f*cking OP before posting. it is the first line in the OP.

And this goes for you too Judeophobia and Aj_habfan. Please read the OP from top to bottom and I would love to hear your opinions ON THE TOPIC. But to post a response to a thread without even bothering to read the OP is just shallow and does not reflect well on you. 


 I agree 100%. Fanboy retards.