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i can't believe how many people posted without reading the OP, if you're gonna criticize the OP, READ THE OP. Don't criticize something you didn't read and can't appropriately argue.

The OP really makes sense, I never looked at the breakdown of the numbers by country, i only saw how much sales had increased in others. There have been 2 price cuts in europe this year, and the first one didn't increase sales long term and failed to do much of anything in Sony's strong countries, and the second was very significant and made huge dents in Sony's strongholds. This alone is evidence enough to give the OP some credit. The public perception of the 360 has changed, the 360 has been cheaper than the ps3 the whole time but the PS3 outsold it, why all the sudden do sales double, triple, and quadruple when it gets a little cheaper? Dodece said it best, once the bad public perception is gone you have to actually show a better value then your competitor. The PS3 is gonna have a hard time doing that.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X