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Forums - Sales Discussion - The PS3 might not be able to overtake the 360

It's worth noting the Valhalla 360 chipsets are due next year, so we're probably looking at a 360 price drop at the end of August/September as usual.

Since Sony has ruled out a 2008 price drop and it seems unlikely they will drop before the end of their fiscal year, Sony have between April 1st 2009 - September to bring the ball back in their court before they face the brutality of the 360s competitive price tag.

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I think the PS3 will overtake 360 worldwide. It will be a long time till we can look back and say whether we were right or wrong though...and by that point it wont really matter.

PS3 will win because no console 4 years into its life has ever been sold below $200. So when Sony reduces the price in 2009 MS will have nothing it can do. Perhaps not until the PS3 is reduced to $199 will MS have any room to reduce the 360's price.

Now we end sarcasm and return to our regularly scheduled program.

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.

And once again I will post this: I will wait and see.

I think it will happen.

4 ≈ One

MikeB said:
Galaki said:
PS3 lost the second spot 6 months ago.

I doubt that, the PS3 install base worldwide excluding North America the platform is already ahead, this despite a 1 year and 5 months 360 headstart for Europe and more so for other regions.

North America needs some work from Sony, but I think nothing is really lost.




Truely your posts are entertaining.  "the previous generation isn't over yet" Yes, Yes it is MikeB. As to North America its game over PS3 will end up in 3rd place. What you should be worrying about is the fact that blue ray sales are not even close to what everyone expected. =)

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I think it will almost certainly overtake the 360. The thing is, it may not happen until the next generation is well underway. But I still say it has a good chance of happening before then. I mean, it still costs $400 and has only had 1-2 real system sellers. Things won't stay this way forever.


MikeB said:

 At an entry pricing of 149 Euro


That's a lie and you've been called on it several times because you keep trying to spread it. The entry pricing is 180€ - 149€ is only a seasonal rebate and is only available on some countries.

Using your logic, I could say that the ps3 is tanking horribly because it's free* and it still can't outsell the 360.

*in some places it's been given away with a sony TV purchase

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

Bitmap Frogs said:
MikeB said:

 At an entry pricing of 149 Euro


That's a lie and you've been called on it several times because you keep trying to spread it. The entry pricing is 180€ - 149€ is only a seasonal rebate and is only available on some countries.

Here in the Netherlands I have seen TV commercials underlining the 149 Euro price tag, I know this is the current entry pricing for at least in Italy and Germany as well. Grow up kid...

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

Smashchu2 said:
MikeB said:

With regard to point 2, the PS2 is still selling well so the previous generation isn't over yet. Likewise I think this generation of console's will last very long (nomatter if another console may be discontinued earlier). The 360 could have been discontinued its first year before the Wii launched, could anyone really claim victory for the 360 if that happened?

The problem is the nature of how console cycles work.

The console who is doing the best (right now, the Wii) will stay on the shelves the longest. The NES coninued long after the SNES, as did the PS1 and PS2. The runner ups usually have shorter life spans. Sega always released very early. The Dreamcast came out really quickly.

Why does it work this way? As the generation drags on, fewer and fewer games are made for those systems. People will buy them less as fewer people were interested in the system. The developers and publishers will move to the first place console leaving the others with less and less. Buyers loss interest. The reason Sony and Microsoft will have to make a new console is to sell units. The PS3 and 360 will eventually peak. All systems will (the ODS is sort of doing this in Japan). Weaker systems will less adoption will have to do this sooner as they peak much sooner. Natually, it has to be.

The 360 will have a better chance of staying on the shelves thanks to great third party support. It will not be able to outlive the Wii however. The system has lots of interest in it and, eventually, will be what developers are making their games on (a shift as been moving towards this). Sony has not gotten the same developer support the 360 has. In fact, one could say it has started to peak out as the 360, once again, beats it in sales.


That was true in the past, but developers will look at combined HD system sales (PS360 multiplats) and that will alter the "normal" flow of things.  This generation cannot be pidgeonholed by past trends because of the Wii v.s. HD phenomenon. 

In the end, I think PS360 will be close (with one having a slight edge over the other) and the market for both of them will keep them viable for software development.  There is no denying that the tech levels of the Wii v.s. PS360 are different enough that games cannot be ported from HD to Wii without alteration.  Thus the combined market of PS360 will play out differently than the "losers" of the past generation. 

Really, all 3 companies could come out ahead when the smoke clears - though Sony is looking more and more dubious.  Sony should NOT lower the price and concentrate on PROFIT and funding the next R&D cycle. 

Then again, its easy for me to say that since I already have my PS3.



MikeB said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
MikeB said:

 At an entry pricing of 149 Euro


That's a lie and you've been called on it several times because you keep trying to spread it. The entry pricing is 180€ - 149€ is only a seasonal rebate and is only available on some countries.

Here in the Netherlands I have seen TV commercials underlining the 149 Euro price tag, I know this is the current entry pricing for at least in Italy and Germany as well. Grow up kid...


No it's not, and I'm not the first guy to point it to you. The entry price point is 180€, a small amount of euro countries have a seasonal rebate. But hey, as I said it isn't the first time you've been called upon it so I don't expect you to acknowledge it.

I just want everyone to be aware of your lies.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).