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Forums - Sales Discussion - Even if 2009 will be the year of the ps3, will it be to late?

Asmo said:
yushire said:

 Reality says so otherwise, 360 beats PS3 IN OTHERS during before christmas season...

Because of it's lower price, Sony can still drop it's price, MS can't anymore...



 Microsoft can drop the 360 to the price of the ps2 if they wanted


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leo-j said:
Asmo said:
yushire said:

 Reality says so otherwise, 360 beats PS3 IN OTHERS during before christmas season...

Because of it's lower price, Sony can still drop it's price, MS can't anymore...



 Microsoft can drop the 360 to the price of the ps2 if they wanted

X360 - £129.99 (w/2 games)

PS2 - £129.99 (w/1 game + extra controller)

So they are the same price already.
Of course my argument is invalid because that is the cheapest X360, and only the pink PS2 is £130 (silver is £100 and black is £90)

there is no year, actually from 2005, for 2nd position, it is the year of xbox 360
and for software sales, it is actually always the year of xbox 360 software sales

it is amazing to see, every major component for xbox starting to made significant profit.
DLC, xboxlive,console itself, and software sale.

My PS3 analysis is this:

Each region has a different story and will have a different outcome...

First of all: The HD-console war:

1. The US and Japan seem to have already a 2nd place chosen, in Japan is the PS3, in the US is the 360, both consoles still can close the gap...

Now, the PS3 has more chance to close it in the US than the 360 in Japan, because the US is more flexible, they take what's in, and if it's cheaper then better, Japan is more tight, if they have to choose between 2 products alike, one J and one foreign, they choose the J-one, the 360 had been a warrior with Japan, dealing with J-companies, but even with Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Tales of Vesperia and Infinite Undiscovery as exclusives, Eternal Sonata and The Last Remnant as timed, and Star Ocean 4 coming exclusively to the 360, and they still get to enjoy a few weeks outselling the PS3, while in the US, the PS3 got to outsell the 360 for far more time even with the 360 lineup...

2. Europe and Others: This is the REAL WARZONE, there's no homefield advantage here, no dedicated love, while in the US the Shooters and action games are the business, and in Japan the JRPGs, platformers and Anime-like games have the J-love; Here IT'S NO MAN'S LAND, they like all-mixed up, everything that is good... The only advantage anyone has here is the European-developed games... And both consoles are in a tight position, the PS3 got to outsell the 360 in Europe in less than 1.5 years when the 360 had more than 2 years and better price, now the 360 is claiming territory again with their new pricecut... This is the one to watch, because by my analysis, if the PS3 gets close in the US, and the 360 does not match that in Japan, THIS WILL BE THE TIE-BREAKER...

Now against the Wii, my simple opinion is that Wii is this gen-winner, and if one of the 2 HDs pull off a miracle, then i will be the first to congratulate them, because if they pull this off, it will not only be epic, it will be the 1st time that happens with this kind of gap...

thx1139 said:
Asmo said:

It's never too late, the PS3 outsold the 360 last Christmas and look at the 360 now. Things can always change in a blink of an eye.


Outselling by a small amount wont do much to help the PS3.  Unless something very dramatic happens game over man.

To add the 360 is gaining such a lead in US, Canada and UK the momentum wont be stopped. Far more people will pick up a 360 because a friend has one.  That kind of marketing makes a price reduction a moot point. 

Finally where this generation sites minimizes a system seller game.  GT5 will not make much of an impact releasing when the PS3 has about a 30 million customer user base.  Sure GT5 will sell great, but the vast vast majority of purchasers will be people that picked up a PS3 over the first 3+ years of release.

What about people who will sell their 360 when a game on the PS3 they like comes out ( like GoW3, GT5, FFvs13) when the console is cheaper? That can probably happen...


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Asmo said:
thx1139 said:
Asmo said:

It's never too late, the PS3 outsold the 360 last Christmas and look at the 360 now. Things can always change in a blink of an eye.


Outselling by a small amount wont do much to help the PS3.  Unless something very dramatic happens game over man.

To add the 360 is gaining such a lead in US, Canada and UK the momentum wont be stopped. Far more people will pick up a 360 because a friend has one.  That kind of marketing makes a price reduction a moot point. 

Finally where this generation sites minimizes a system seller game.  GT5 will not make much of an impact releasing when the PS3 has about a 30 million customer user base.  Sure GT5 will sell great, but the vast vast majority of purchasers will be people that picked up a PS3 over the first 3+ years of release.

What about people who will sell their 360 when a game on the PS3 they like comes out ( like GoW3, GT5, FFvs13) when the console is cheaper? That can probably happen...


I doubt many people will sell a console to get one game on another console.

Selling a 360 won't get you near enough for a new PS3, and if they already have a library of 360 games they would have to sell those too, all for 1 game on the PS3?


thx1139 said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
Asmo said:
yushire said:

 Reality says so otherwise, 360 beats PS3 IN OTHERS during before christmas season...

Because of it's lower price, Sony can still drop it's price, MS can't anymore...


Are you sure? I would think Sony and MS are now seeing similar losses pr console sold. As x360 sells more SW, I believe MS still loses less money on X360 than Sony does on Ps3.

They are pretty much equally situated for a price cut right now. Of course, this isn't a very good way to analyse - it would suggest Nintendo dropping Wii's price to 75 dollars!


On the average 360 sale the 360 sells at a profit. The PS3 does not.  Last fiscal quarter results proved that.  When we know the PS2 and the PSP hardware sells at a profit. When we know that the software for PS2, PSP and even PS3 sells at a profit. When we know accessories for PS2, PSP, and PS3 sell for a profit.  If the games division has a loss like Sony's has for the last 2-3 quarters what would be the reason for that loss?

PS3 may drop $100 in 2009 and the 360 will still drop $50 when MS feels it is the correct time.  Remember the PS3 has dropped the same (or more) than the 360 has in a year less time on the market.


Before the price cut (or really the dollar/euro crisis), I thought it was something like this (these are just my feelings and may have little resemblance to the truth)

The Wii was sold at around 60-70 dollars profit

The X360 was sold at around 10-15 dollars profit

The Ps3 was sold at around 20-30 dollars loss (which is pretty optimistic considering they launched it at about even, and have since dropped several houndred dollars).


Boom. Market splashes. Doesn't really mean a lot for how much MS earns pr console sold. So they are now at a slight loss (25-35 dollars)

Yen strengthens against Dollar/Euro. A lot

Wii is now sold at only 40-50 dollars profit

Ps3 now sold at 50-60 dollars loss.


(The reason I believe the drop for Wii earnings pr console is smaller than for Ps3, is that Wii sells more in Japan, and to a certain degree Americas (which dollar dropped less than the Euro did))

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

TWRoO said:

I doubt many people will sell a console to get one game on another console.

Selling a 360 won't get you near enough for a new PS3, and if they already have a library of 360 games they would have to sell those too, all for 1 game on the PS3?


Well no, PS3 has a lot of good exclusive games already so it won't be just for one game. But in 2009 I don't really see what 360 exclusive will keep people on the console. Especially if they see what the PS3 has to offer in 2009...


I might be wrong...


MDMAniac said:

Honestly, I don't see 2009 any brighter than 2008 for sony

Killzone 2 is too late and too meh. Neither GoW3 brings anything new to the table, the franchise is getting old&boring, especially after Chains of Olympus. And GT5  (if released in 2009) has competition stronger than ever (Forza).

Actually, could it be that YoY sales will be worse in 2009 for PS3?


Seriously? :-/

KZ2 is being called fantastic by practically everyone who has laid hands on it.

GoW3 has not given away anything aside from some tiny trailer, yet you know that it won't bring anything new?

GT5 competition from Forza? ....

sony probably have given up on first place but i doubt they even care about the xbox 360! 2nd place is a given for them. also how can it be too late? it is only if you have your head up your ass. ps3 has been out for 2 years in america and not even 2 years yet in europe. so its still way too early for ps3 and in those 2 years they have had great sales even going through a whole load of shit! why are sales going to slow down for sony? when their console is still the most expensive AND still the youngest?