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My PS3 analysis is this:

Each region has a different story and will have a different outcome...

First of all: The HD-console war:

1. The US and Japan seem to have already a 2nd place chosen, in Japan is the PS3, in the US is the 360, both consoles still can close the gap...

Now, the PS3 has more chance to close it in the US than the 360 in Japan, because the US is more flexible, they take what's in, and if it's cheaper then better, Japan is more tight, if they have to choose between 2 products alike, one J and one foreign, they choose the J-one, the 360 had been a warrior with Japan, dealing with J-companies, but even with Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Tales of Vesperia and Infinite Undiscovery as exclusives, Eternal Sonata and The Last Remnant as timed, and Star Ocean 4 coming exclusively to the 360, and they still get to enjoy a few weeks outselling the PS3, while in the US, the PS3 got to outsell the 360 for far more time even with the 360 lineup...

2. Europe and Others: This is the REAL WARZONE, there's no homefield advantage here, no dedicated love, while in the US the Shooters and action games are the business, and in Japan the JRPGs, platformers and Anime-like games have the J-love; Here IT'S NO MAN'S LAND, they like all-mixed up, everything that is good... The only advantage anyone has here is the European-developed games... And both consoles are in a tight position, the PS3 got to outsell the 360 in Europe in less than 1.5 years when the 360 had more than 2 years and better price, now the 360 is claiming territory again with their new pricecut... This is the one to watch, because by my analysis, if the PS3 gets close in the US, and the 360 does not match that in Japan, THIS WILL BE THE TIE-BREAKER...

Now against the Wii, my simple opinion is that Wii is this gen-winner, and if one of the 2 HDs pull off a miracle, then i will be the first to congratulate them, because if they pull this off, it will not only be epic, it will be the 1st time that happens with this kind of gap...