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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS3 price drop: EUR 50 starting November 28!!

BengaBenga said:
lazyrider said:
Neos said:
its in france only

They dont specifiy but that is definite possibility. However, maybe if Sony France does it, other countres will do so as well. Anyway, it is not a bad thing for PS3 sales numbers in France where I was amazed to see MS actually beating Sony there.



Not necessarily, here in the Netherlands (And in Belgium and Luxemburg as well) you get €30/40/50 (Arc/Pro/Eli) back on your purchase. As far as I know that's nowhere else in Europe.

I did write "maybe", kind of wishful thinking... But agree that offers will vary from country to country and have no obligation to follow what the French are offering,


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Kasz216 said:
NJ5 said:
That's a nice promotion for the holidays, but its effect will probably be negligible unless they do it across all Europe.

It makes me wonder. I mean you've got this... and the Best Buy special bundle...

Could sony be trying a bunch of targeted little promotions because they can't afford a big one? Trying to maximize effectiveness even if it won't result in large shifts but only minor ones?

If so it's an interesting strategy.

It could be that, or just local decisions from the better-capitalized subsidiaries. I have no idea how global their planning is for this sort of stuff.

One thing's for sure, Sony's HQ isn't doing many things requiring massive injections of capital. It's a lean Christmas for most, and Sony is no exception (on the contrary actually).


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lazyrider said:

Don't know if this has been posted yet (probably has...) but I just learned that Sony is paying back 50 euros to anyone buying a PS3 starting on November 28 2008.

Did Sony watch the EU numbers posted this week by VGC?

Saw it from this French site:

Yes, it was already posted :


The 360 has the same thing in France since 11/07/08 with 40 euro.