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Forums - Sony Discussion - Microsoft has the hammer and nails in hand...

blazinhead89 said:
Last place has never been so God damn sweet


So Goddammed sweet.

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This generation is far from over, dont count the ps3 out yet, I do believe though a 299 PS3 will outsell the 360 significantly.


drizzlenuts said: 

Theres about 4 games that i actually play on my ps3 and about 20 i play on my 360 and i play my 360 much more.

Then why dont you buy games for the ps3?



leo-j said:
This generation is far from over, dont count the ps3 out yet, I do believe though a 299 PS3 will outsell the 360 significantly.

A $299 ps3 would do well, and would sell better than a $299 xbox, but I think M$ will change sku's by march, imho.  The ps3 is still having some fundamental problems, not related to price, such as attach rate...what's price gotta do with that?

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

leo-j said:
This generation is far from over, dont count the ps3 out yet, I do believe though a 299 PS3 will outsell the 360 significantly.


If by significantly you mean sell about 50k more units per week and maybe ps3 is at 299$ 2010... I agree with you!



However, the 360 lead will be then more than 10 million and this gen is over before ps3 would catch 360. ;)

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I disagree completely, the ps3 dropped to 399 in 2007, unless sony is dead stupid they will drop the price to 299 sometime in 2009.

Also, remember the ps2 started at 299, and exploded at 199, the ps3 can do the same imo.


leo-j said:

I disagree completely, the ps3 dropped to 399 in 2007, unless sony is dead stupid they will drop the price to 299 sometime in 2009.

Also, remember the ps2 started at 299, and exploded at 199, the ps3 can do the same imo.


I think that sony would be wise not to drop the price. It is not like they are making a lot of profit with the current price...


Also, do notice that there is a looooong way to 199$ ps3. By then there is a new xbox/wii on the market.

blazinhead89 said:
Last place has never been so God damn sweet


lol, imagine how first and second place feel. It's like a permanent joygasm.

Anyway, back on topic. Sony could still pull out second place, with some major price cuts sooner rather than later.

However, I do highly doubt it'll ever move into 2nd for software sales.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


i guess some things were read out of context...

1. i never said last place was bad just said it would hurt the pride of sony

2. this doesnt mean anything about the playstation brand...just a bad generation, every system has them some survive some dont. ones with money and nice first party games do...look at nintendo

3. i did not intend KZ2 to be a savior of the ps3, i used it as a mere example of the 09 lineup that can up lift the ps3

4. i can careless who finishes what place, this is more of my interpertation of how/what sony will more than likely do to fight back. price is the only issue atm

Dryden said:
hanafuda said:
I've still yet to see anything to prove MS are making a profit on the new low price points.

I'd say that's a key point to clarify before jumping to any conclusions.

At this stage the hardware cost is moot. Live subscriptions and licensing (I believe I once read it was $7 per disc on the original XBox, I don't know the figure for the 360) will ensure the platforms profitability.


It's not moot, but I totally agree with your point about Live. They are getting people to pay for nothing - a fantastic business to be in. How much longer can they keep charging for it though, and what happens to their business model if Live becomes free?

PSN - hanafuda