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Forums - Sony Discussion - Microsoft has the hammer and nails in hand...

As of late Microsoft's price cut on the 360 has proven to be a very well played card. Alot of us took it for granted and pushed the price cut aside. Well then the economy went sour and everyone turned to the lower price for their HD console needs. Granted ps3 will not have a horrible holiday, it will infact have a decent one, but the fact that the 360 will more than likely beat it 2:1.

We all have heard the rumors as of late that the ps3 is cutting the price in Feburary or March of 2009, although it has been stated by sony themselves those rumors are false (like that matters). And alot of us feel its way over do but given the circumstances its understandable that they have waited this long. But if sony does infact cut the price down to $299 and comes along with the release of KZ2, with alot of marketing can be a huge system seller, it can make a comeback and might still have a chance to edge out the 360 this generation...oh and did i mention it must include full BC? And come holiday 2009 throw another $50 price cut. ps3 has the its time to listen to the consumers and lower the price.

Now sony in no way needs to finish 2nd place this generation but its more about keeping their pride and dignity...something they can be proud of about this generation. If they were able to capture victory midst defeat this generation then well...that would imho hurt microsoft. Maybe not in sales or anything that proves much...but the fact that microsoft has gone all out getting multiplats, exclusives, timed exclusives, etc (and i gotta hand it to them they are truely trying, A+ for effort) it would have to be a slap in the face to the 360 exects

Ive been a follower of the playstation brand since the beginning and am probably considered a fanboy by many here. but as an happy owner of all consoles i know when the bell tolls and the reaper is knocking on the ps3's door.

In conclusion Microsoft is preparing to hammer the coffin shut on the ps3 and atm they seem helpless to get out. Although they have a chance to breath life again if they cut the price to $299 coming in time for KZ2 (or feburary/march 2009) with full BC can they escape the clutches of the damned. With a lower price, BC, and another strong software lineup they just might stand a fighting chance.

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You can seal the coffin only if Sony's 2009 efforts fail. As of now, nothing's decided yet.

1/ price cut in march 2009 would be stupid
they should cut the price later (september-december)

2/ KZ2 is for hardcore, they wil buy the 400$ console if the game is good
no need to cut the price for them

3/ PS3 is doing very well
it is just the Xbox360 that is selling crazy in deed

4/ overall, it will be hard for the PS3 to outsell the xbox360 without a price cut
that I agree.

Time to Work !

the ps3 is not doing ok, far from it.

Everybody, including vgchartz expected that Sony would outsell MS this holiday, i already thought that couldnt be true. the xbox360 showed to be a strong competitor over the last few months, they came back and started outselling the PS3 even after the release of MGS2 (probably sonys best card, since nobody is buying LBP). Your right about the economy, that helped MS more, and it hit Sony a lot harder (weak yen, no room for pricecuts, losing even more on de ps3 etc).

The PS3 is now for the fourth week selling very poorly. I dont expect the japanese sales to be huge, so they probably will sell around 250k this week against almost 400k last year. Its not ok if a console sells worse in its second holiday. You can turn this all you want, but it doesnt change that fact. It might be that the PS3 will turn around, but I dont see KZ doing it. KZ2 looks great, but its not a halo 3, it needs to prove itself since the first one sucked. Only the biggest games really move some product, and KZ2 is not one of them. Sure, they might sell a few 100k more in one month, but thats it.

Sony needs a radical change, and the only thing thats going to help is a serious pricecut, maybe even 2 in 2009. If they reach 200/250 dollars they should be fine.
Besides that they need more games, more exclusives (also for the hardcore) and a bigger blu ray market.

That being said, i dont see any of these things happening for at least 6 to 9 months.

The Xbox is outselling the PS3 this holiday season so far because you can buy nearly 3 Xbox's for the price of one PS3. This is such a huge factor and in fact I am tempted to buy a 360 for £129.99 in the UK while the PS3 is £299.99.

If the Xbox hadn't cut prices then I would have expected the PS3 to outsell the 360 this Xmas, but that hasn't happened and the cut has.

Next year is a deciding year for the PS3, but don't forget, unless sales of the PS3 go down to ridiculous levels, I still expect the console to get a good 7-10 years of life.

Also, when the price eventually falls to £199 or even lower I fully expect 360 owners to start buying the PS3 as well.

Prediction (June 12th 2017)

Permanent pricedrop for both PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro in October.

PS4 Slim $249 (October 2017)

PS4 Pro $349 (October 2017)

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Xen said:
You can seal the coffin only if Sony's 2009 efforts fail. As of now, nothing's decided yet.


They said that in 07 and 08 it gets kinda old ;)

Another one of these threads? Hasn't this exact subject been covered enough the last two weeks or so?

PS: I too believe that the 360 will outsell the PS3 this holiday the way things are looking now, but since when did it become "fact" that it'll outsell it 2:1?

I think its pretty obvious that Microsoft is doing everything to kill the Playstation brand.

Even going forth to such desperate measures as demo exclusivity and DLC exclusivity. Almost everything that has a near chance to just give a PS3 a increase in competion for PS3 is either bought out or dealt with otherwise.

Microsoft has introduced the Unreal engine 3 to so many devs before the final Cell architecture came about to make them dependent on their platform first and foremost. Something that works a cheap trick to limp the rival.

I dont really have to time now to dwell deeper into this but, Microsoft is practically doing all they can to sink the PS brand name and put the Xbox in its position.

And dispite not adding my support to their cause they're sure as hell doing a good a job. And on the either side of the fence Sony is doing a slow but steady job at coming back from the Kutaragi mad-man travesty. A man that build the PS brand and nearly destroyed it aswell.

Nintendo & Sony supporter:

 Consoles: Wii & PS3.

Its over for ps3 get used to it.

Wii built the coffin.. MS is just gathering the nails..

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)