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Forums - Sales Discussion - I figured out what decides a game’s sales.

My ninja lawyers will destroy you!

They've been trained in the ways of the Deadly Cauliflower

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

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theRepublic said:
supermario128 said:
Only kids and people who know nothing about games will buy them based on the cover.

Which is a lot more people than you realize.  Only a small portion of gamers actually spend their time talking about video games on the internet.

Every time I walk by the video game section of a store, there are always two or three people just starring at the games.  A couple of weeks ago there was a kid going through the whole shelf, pointing at a game and saying "yes" or "no" based solely on the covers.

Games that look cool sell well.  Not really a big surprise.


Was about to post a similar reply.

OT: OF COURSE!!! It was the cover all along!!!

4 ≈ One

RolStoppable said:
The first mistake is in the headline. It should be "I figured out why ...", not "what". The second crucial mistake is that the bottom line should only be "It makes perfect sense.".

So it doesn't surprise me that people don't find your thread totally awesome, even though you put a lot of work in it. It's a good read, although it's a little bit too long. But yeah, the mistakes in the thread title and the bottom line really hurt the overall experience.

Damn. I was actually thinking about both of those things and decided to be a maverick and go against the curb. Guess that's just the risk of experimenting. I regret nothing!




Do you guys think these 2 game covers are good at selling the game or do they overdo it (CJ)? I think they look cool, especially in a collection.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

largedarryl said:
Dallinor said:


So Rol Hwd I do?


That's all I got out of this too, I may go back and read this in it's entirety and maybe comment again.

your a bit off, it's "so rol how did i do?"

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I completely agree with this topic.

There's a portion of gamers who search the net, looking for reviews to judge if they should get the game or not, chatting about games over forums, etc etc. I do this most of the time.

Then, there's a portion of gamers that will just look at the cover, and buy the game that looks the most badass. I do this sometimes.

this is really dumb.